This isn’t where I expected you would go with this and in this I thoroughly agree. Switch out “rights“ with “morals” and you will see this how this quote relates to this statement I wrote a month ago. "’We need laws because morals are subjective, and I can't trust what people will do if left to determine their interactions based on their own morality.’ Ok, so upon what standard do you believe everyone decides what laws to vote for or against which we all will be subjected to?”
Yeah, unfortunately for anyone who stands on principle chances are they are going to get steamrolled. That goes for me as well.
That being said, from an empiricist perspective "might is right" is the reality of nature, because there is no "ought" to be derived simply by what "is."
It's difficult for many Christians and Atheists to comprehend this. Oftentimes you see Christians trying to prove ethics on material grounds. Other times I see Atheists fall into the trap of making ought statements about morals & ethics.
Christians should know better than to expect Rights or Justice in "a fallen world". How do you get to level two without struggle?
This isn’t where I expected you would go with this and in this I thoroughly agree. Switch out “rights“ with “morals” and you will see this how this quote relates to this statement I wrote a month ago. "’We need laws because morals are subjective, and I can't trust what people will do if left to determine their interactions based on their own morality.’ Ok, so upon what standard do you believe everyone decides what laws to vote for or against which we all will be subjected to?”
100%. I am going to support this
Thank you!
Yeah, unfortunately for anyone who stands on principle chances are they are going to get steamrolled. That goes for me as well.
That being said, from an empiricist perspective "might is right" is the reality of nature, because there is no "ought" to be derived simply by what "is."
It's difficult for many Christians and Atheists to comprehend this. Oftentimes you see Christians trying to prove ethics on material grounds. Other times I see Atheists fall into the trap of making ought statements about morals & ethics.
Christians should know better than to expect Rights or Justice in "a fallen world". How do you get to level two without struggle?
Awesome! Wish I could've been in those Google+ rooms