There’s a certain group (who are such radical individualists that even referring to them as a group insults them) that I used to identify with that operates under the assumption that when it comes to the State, politics, governance, etc., they have the solution to any problem as it relates to said organization and/or concepts.
"If you’ve ever encountered one of these anarchists/voluntaryists, (again, I used to be one of them), you were most likely left dumbfounded and unable to forget it."
Oh man isn't this the truth, when I used to engage with these people I constantly found myself thinking "Man this person is absolutely retarded." as they said more and more blatantly unworkable for solutions, or solutions that far outstripped the problem in how many issues it would cause. But the problem is they very much believe they arn't retarded, not only are they not retarded in their minds but they are actually exceptionally smart, so smart in fact they see how these things could work when all these small minded authoritarians are stuck in their backwards unenlightened thoughts.
For reference my views probably fall somewhere between Pat Buchanan and T777, but I don't pretend I have a solution for everything, but I do know if I had one quite a few people would have to be forced to go along with it.
I'm always a little baffled by the "everything should just be private" crews inability to project their basic solutions out to their most likely/common end point.
Whether a court or police force (or whatever other governance institution) they happen to be talking about fixing all it's ills by making it "private" rather than government controlled would still end up descending into the problems that mire the society surrounding it because it is still men that would run these institutions and these men are still subject to the same trappings, temptations, and corruptions that any other man in a given society is whether it be public or private.
So ok great, my local police force is made into a private force. It's likely that my community will still be required, or at least strong encouraged, to financially fund them through some type of tax otherwise the issues we all hate with things like seat belt tickets as a means to financial gain for the departments we have now would probably only become worse (I mean isn't it just basic incentives?), and if I refused to participate in funding then does that mean since the force is private they just choose not to come to my aid when I call because I didn't pay? And what if the guys on the force are all a bunch of fools or maniacal jerks? Then it's the same problem anyway, it's just better because it's private now?
I think Marcus is onto something with his statement. People (criminals, government employees/officials, cops, etc) need to face consequences and punishment for their actions again.
They would call the tax you mentioned a "subscription fee." They think they have an answer for anything, and then when they don't they say "well that happens now with a government."
Because there's no chance it could be much worse without someone to decide the "exception."
It's comical when they try to apply their overly simplistic answers to everything and default to the "well that happens now with government" and then they have nothing else to say when some retorts then what's the point of changing.
I guess to me it's just impossible to understand how they can't see that no matter whether it's a formally named government or a "voluntaryist" society, someone will always end up in charge and hierarchies will form. That's how humans work
Some will say they have no problem with hierarchies, but somehow they believe these hierarchies will be voluntary. That literally never happens and if it were to it would have to be done at the threat of force. And there we "circled back"
Many crimes inflicted upon society today would have been dealt with by instant punishment less than 100 years ago. It should be so again.
"If you’ve ever encountered one of these anarchists/voluntaryists, (again, I used to be one of them), you were most likely left dumbfounded and unable to forget it."
Oh man isn't this the truth, when I used to engage with these people I constantly found myself thinking "Man this person is absolutely retarded." as they said more and more blatantly unworkable for solutions, or solutions that far outstripped the problem in how many issues it would cause. But the problem is they very much believe they arn't retarded, not only are they not retarded in their minds but they are actually exceptionally smart, so smart in fact they see how these things could work when all these small minded authoritarians are stuck in their backwards unenlightened thoughts.
For reference my views probably fall somewhere between Pat Buchanan and T777, but I don't pretend I have a solution for everything, but I do know if I had one quite a few people would have to be forced to go along with it.
I'm always a little baffled by the "everything should just be private" crews inability to project their basic solutions out to their most likely/common end point.
Whether a court or police force (or whatever other governance institution) they happen to be talking about fixing all it's ills by making it "private" rather than government controlled would still end up descending into the problems that mire the society surrounding it because it is still men that would run these institutions and these men are still subject to the same trappings, temptations, and corruptions that any other man in a given society is whether it be public or private.
So ok great, my local police force is made into a private force. It's likely that my community will still be required, or at least strong encouraged, to financially fund them through some type of tax otherwise the issues we all hate with things like seat belt tickets as a means to financial gain for the departments we have now would probably only become worse (I mean isn't it just basic incentives?), and if I refused to participate in funding then does that mean since the force is private they just choose not to come to my aid when I call because I didn't pay? And what if the guys on the force are all a bunch of fools or maniacal jerks? Then it's the same problem anyway, it's just better because it's private now?
I think Marcus is onto something with his statement. People (criminals, government employees/officials, cops, etc) need to face consequences and punishment for their actions again.
They would call the tax you mentioned a "subscription fee." They think they have an answer for anything, and then when they don't they say "well that happens now with a government."
Because there's no chance it could be much worse without someone to decide the "exception.",name%20of%20the%20public%20good.
It's comical when they try to apply their overly simplistic answers to everything and default to the "well that happens now with government" and then they have nothing else to say when some retorts then what's the point of changing.
I guess to me it's just impossible to understand how they can't see that no matter whether it's a formally named government or a "voluntaryist" society, someone will always end up in charge and hierarchies will form. That's how humans work
Some will say they have no problem with hierarchies, but somehow they believe these hierarchies will be voluntary. That literally never happens and if it were to it would have to be done at the threat of force. And there we "circled back"
and round and round we go lol
Really like that message at the end.