Silver Bullet Syndrome definitely plays to the human psyche, otherwise no one would buy magic diet pills, click the "one weird trick to..." banner ads, or think that this week's scratcher will be the one and they'll never have to work again.
I think a parallel force to this is the depersonalization of the whole process. If we use the comparison about ancient warfare to modern; where with a sword you look into your opponents eyes and feel the hot spray of their last moments vs pushing a button and ending a civilization thousands of miles away. So to has the political process changed from dealing with your neighbors and local elite where you all depend on each other to mailing in a vote to send someone you've never met to a place you'll never go, so they can decide things for thousands and millions of people.
And in my reckoning, the modern politician is just as destructive as the cruise missile...
Great article Pete. My weekend IS already better now. The next Great Man will come from the "elites" but we can't wait. Each of us needs to become a "great man" now in our own families and circle of friends.
I told them years ago, even if they lock Hillary up, what the fuck is that going to do for me? Fucking bragging rights? Zero. Zero. Zero. The only person doing shit for me is me and my social circle. The rest are a liability.
To me, it would be theater. I know better. Now, if some vigilantes started something to correct the elite that made them have second thoughts about their behavior, even the less popular ones, now, that might be something. In the meanwhile, getting my grow tower going is my best bet. I have friends with multiple acres for animals. They all use grow towers for their greens. Say growing in the ground is a complete waste of time and energy,
Silver Bullet Syndrome definitely plays to the human psyche, otherwise no one would buy magic diet pills, click the "one weird trick to..." banner ads, or think that this week's scratcher will be the one and they'll never have to work again.
I think a parallel force to this is the depersonalization of the whole process. If we use the comparison about ancient warfare to modern; where with a sword you look into your opponents eyes and feel the hot spray of their last moments vs pushing a button and ending a civilization thousands of miles away. So to has the political process changed from dealing with your neighbors and local elite where you all depend on each other to mailing in a vote to send someone you've never met to a place you'll never go, so they can decide things for thousands and millions of people.
And in my reckoning, the modern politician is just as destructive as the cruise missile...
Great article Pete. My weekend IS already better now. The next Great Man will come from the "elites" but we can't wait. Each of us needs to become a "great man" now in our own families and circle of friends.
I told them years ago, even if they lock Hillary up, what the fuck is that going to do for me? Fucking bragging rights? Zero. Zero. Zero. The only person doing shit for me is me and my social circle. The rest are a liability.
To me, it would be theater. I know better. Now, if some vigilantes started something to correct the elite that made them have second thoughts about their behavior, even the less popular ones, now, that might be something. In the meanwhile, getting my grow tower going is my best bet. I have friends with multiple acres for animals. They all use grow towers for their greens. Say growing in the ground is a complete waste of time and energy,
Bitcoin is the biggest silver bullet psyop people are consumed by.