It helps to take a stance of "all these people are scum and we're better than them" It doesn't make the problem go away but it contextualizes how they can be that way even though their behaviour is abhorrent to anyone with a soul. The more you try to understand them the more you will find yourself in a spiral of despair as you look at the uncanny inverted parody of a man that is standing before you.

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And once you take that stance you realize the time for conversations has ended

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Most days I'm pretty good at not letting social media bullshit get under my skin but this past weekend I got sucked into exactly what you're talking about reading comments on IG. It was absolutely infuriating me. I had to force myself to shut it all down, take a breath and look at my real life which, despite the craziness around us, is great. I hugged my dog, my husband, my cat, planted my herbs in the garden, and went to celebrate one of my best friends and her husband on her first pregnancy which is so thrilling knowing how much she's always wanted a family. Real life isn't the psychos, bots, and fakes on IG, THANK GOD.

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Yep. I did IRL work yesterday and wasn't thinking about any of this

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Overall this boils down to the age-old wisdom of focusing only on that which you can control or at least have some tangible and productive impact on. It's indeed very easy for darker emotions to get under your skin like this, with as contagious as social media makes them especially. The people that are driving these emotions are not part of your life (or at the very least don't need to be). The people in your life should be those who love, respect, or share some other meaningful bond with you. Let them guide your heart.

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Such good advice.

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Great message. Keep on kicking ass with the podcast. Your journey has been great to watch.

As an aside, i was watching an uberboyo video and it dawned on me just how fucking destructive Freud has been to Western Culture. Like, psychology is mostly fake and gay and it's killing us. Might be a fun rabbit hole.

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"As a psychology it must be called a patho-psychology, for its whole arsenal of terms describe only aberrations of the sexual instinct. The notion of health is completely dissociated from the soul-life. Freudianism is the Black Mass of Western Science."

- Yockey

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Just started watching the friend or fed podcast you were on with moldbug.

I dunno why people put him on panels, lol. He's just gonna talk about what he wants to talk about.

Pete, you're the best with guys like him. It's a superpower for interviewers to get outta the way for guys like uncle yarv.

He's not a conversationalist or debater, he needs space to talk his shit

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Thank you!!!

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I take comfort in the point that what is not sustainable, ends. All this ends, sooner or later.

This was something I never understood about religious people until recently: how they can maintain faith that they will prevail in the end. But I now realize that it's because the practical problem with lies, with evil, is that it doesn't work. Beyond all the ritual and dogma is a simple point: what is believed to be true physically or metaphysically, is discovered to be true by natural selection, because those that deny truth eventually run up against hard reality and die off.

And yeah, subtle untruths that don't have much bearing on day to day life can persist a long time, and you can argue about angels dancing on pinheads for a long time without going extinct if you come up with the wrong number.

But stupid shit like deciding you're not going to breed, or build things, or maintain the things you need to survive, or save for the future, that's a fast track to extinction that anybody sane can see. So it's not hard to have faith that this is going to end, probably sooner rather than later but not much longer than a generation or two. Our descendants will be there after it's over, having not been raised to believe this insanity, and life will go on.

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We can't die on every hill. We choose our battles, take our stance, and we LIVE.

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Much needed message delivered at a good time. Thanks.

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You're welcome!

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