RE: would rather this be happening in my lifetime than my children and grandchildren's, absolutely. Why I take accelerationist stances. Let's get it over with so our kids can live in peace.
But honestly, we are getting old and it's probably our kids who will bear the brunt of the burden, so secondarily our job is to raise them to be strong, physically and mentally. Not poisoned by modernity, but not innocent of it either. Naivety is fatal.
RE: leadership, can't be any of us. Won't be any of us. All those great men you listed off were born into conflict, forged by it, and seized power while they were young and vital. All we have to do, besides what I already said, is not smother their ambition in the cradle like the boomers have done to their own children and grandchildren. Don't look to anyone older than zoomer/alpha for "the guy". 50 is not the new 20.
The fact they are talking about us means they are scared.
A great 'white-pill' to close out the work week; also thanks for the shout-out to Charles TML.
God bless.
Thanks for all you do brother.
Have a great weekend.
RE: would rather this be happening in my lifetime than my children and grandchildren's, absolutely. Why I take accelerationist stances. Let's get it over with so our kids can live in peace.
But honestly, we are getting old and it's probably our kids who will bear the brunt of the burden, so secondarily our job is to raise them to be strong, physically and mentally. Not poisoned by modernity, but not innocent of it either. Naivety is fatal.
RE: leadership, can't be any of us. Won't be any of us. All those great men you listed off were born into conflict, forged by it, and seized power while they were young and vital. All we have to do, besides what I already said, is not smother their ambition in the cradle like the boomers have done to their own children and grandchildren. Don't look to anyone older than zoomer/alpha for "the guy". 50 is not the new 20.