I used to be of the opinion that "open borders" was the default position when it came to immigration. I no longer believe that is the proper stance, and I don’t care what arguments one would present to me. Screw you; the time for debate is over. The culture that built America is on life support, and importing people from ANYWHERE to further distort that culture is suicide. I consider it incredible that people who want to see more liberty in their lifetimes want to import more people who don’t desire the same liberty, especially when the native population is filled with people who want to be ruled by the monsters in Washington, DC.
With that being said, when the subject of border control comes up in the media, studies by the Libertarian CATO Institute are the default data for those advocating that immigrants radically improve our economy (of course they mention nothing of culture). But, as Bruce Majors at "The Insurrection" (go check out his Substack) points out, the immigration "experts" at the Koch-funded CATO Institute leave out pertinent numbers that would GREATLY add to the cost of "open immigration."
Majors highlights two main factors that CATO conveniently leaves out:
Public school budgets are not considered "welfare" by CATO and are not accounted for. But many low skilled, low income immigrants who come to the US bring children with them or quickly have children here, and can only work if they utilize public schools as day care. Every child they put in the school costs American taxpayers $15,000 annually, on average, and more like $30,000 in some urban areas. 26% of US public school children are immigrants or children of immigrants.
CATO doesn’t consider government school education to be relevant, even though this number seems unbelievable: 26% of US public school children are immigrants or children of immigrants. There are roughly 50 million students in American public schools. A quarter of that number is 12.5 million students. Using the low number of 15K per student, that comes to a total of $187,000,000,000 a year for immigrants or the children of immigrants. That number should be added to any study on immigration costs that CATO does. But that’s not where it ends:
CATO announces that it does not count payments to the American born children of immigrants as welfare expenditures by immigrants but instead as welfare expenditures by Americans.
Quoting CATO themselves:
Other studies evaluating immigrant welfare participation and consumption use the household as the unit of analysis for all programs. However, we dispute this approach because many spouses and children of immigrants are native‐born Americans. Counting native‐born welfare consumption as immigrant consumption improperly inflates estimates of immigrant welfare use and deflates native‐born consumption.
The "anchor baby" or spouse doesn’t figure into CATO’s numbers when it comes to welfare consumption, which should enrage you. The immigration "experts" at the CATO Institute are no different than any other Washington, DC, think tank creatures. They blur the numbers to the tune of hundreds of billions. Some have claimed that Beltway Libertarians (or as Lew Rockwell correctly calls them, "Regime Libertarians") are using libertarian means to achieve Progressive ends. One need only look at the dishonest accounting the CATO experts participate in to realize they are not on the side of working-class America. To the contrary, they have nothing but enmity towards the people who hold onto the spirit of what America once meant. CATO has declared war on the American worker, and they’ve done so purposefully.
In our present situation we need a hard stop on new immigration. Period. We need to stabilize many, many things in society before we are able to absorb more people.
Now to philosophize a bit; which is mental masturbation in these times...
I don't necessarily have a problem with the right of travel and movement - but what gets missed about most rights is the corresponding responsibility. The traveler has the responsibility to assimilate to the culture and society they are entering. Not to say they can't bring new ideas to the party, but they must first respect Chesterton's Fence, understand the norms and why they are that way before even attempting to introduce anything new.
Will never forget that Tweet you put out a while ago when all the Haitians were brought to that border and pushed through like “ Hey look these are the people thats going to build Ancapistan! “ 🤣 all the Whinning & moaning after that dropped was so embarrassing & they were all Ancaps & Libertarians like you fucking goobers clowns LOL