Many people in the greater Libertarian/anarchist/agorist community have heard various podcasters, especially those associated with the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus, use the term “loser brigade.” It’s used to describe a small group of people who incessantly attack those with audiences a thousand times larger than theirs for crimes such as; “wrong-think,” or hosting someone on their respective shows they believe is problematic. They appear to view themselves as “gatekeepers” to “libertarian purity.” I get it. I’ve been guilty of it in the past, however as I grew I desired “solid food” and not only “milk.”
What I see as one of the main failings in this form of “gate-keeping” is a refusal to live in reality. When certain individuals are presented with a problem that exists in the State in its current form, there is the tendency to default to an answer that would only apply in a true “libertarian society.” If the real world answer diverges too far from their libertarian ideals, they immediately judge that answer as “statist.” Of course, we do not live in “Ancapistan,” therefore the individuals taking this approach prove they have no answers other than those that exist in “Fantasyland” – they essentially declare themselves morally superior to all and proceed to “take their ball and go home.”
This mindset can be clearly be shown in the participants of these purity tests immediate, and seemingly canned, response to declare anything and everything racist/anti-Semitic. Based on the example above, individuals who default to the fantasy that they live in a libertarian society in order to justify their inability to have opinions on real world current affairs probably hold to the belief that racist/anti-Semites have power and influence. What they fail to confront is the fact that people holding repugnant, collectivist views actually hold no power now as they do not have a monopoly on force and violence. The only sway these “wrong thinkers” have has been invented in the purists’ minds. The “loser brigade” can only see themselves living in the hopeful world of Murray Rothbard’s “For A New Liberty.” But, of course, they don’t talk about 90’s Rothbard, do they? As I mentioned in this piece, when you are pandering to the Left, these purists applaud you. If you “stoop” to say something nice about the Right, you are a Nazi. And they are not being hyperbolic.
I could wrap this up with an appeal for unity but have become convinced that those who desire confederation do not need to be persuaded. They don’t need to be begged. Their desire IS liberty. And I believe that freedom comes through a solid understanding of economics which is why I support the Mises Caucus. The cultural beliefs one brings to the party/movement means less to me than getting “Economics in One Lesson” in their hands as quickly as I can. Anyone who takes the time to study Austrian Economics understands that judging people as a group is detrimental to progress. Understanding collectivism is anti-intellectual eventually finds it’s way to all of one’s beliefs. The “loser brigade” needs to recruit solid Rothbardians (NOT 90’S) now. And if you can’t pass their purity quiz you are anathema. That’s probably why their numbers as a small as their… cerebrums.
The agorist position is absolutely more purist than both reps and dems. The libertarian party infights over their purist principles while left/right dont have to bother since they have none. I dont think purity is a problem as much as focusing on a hierarchy of importance. Yes, certain things are intolerable from the libertarian position but its not the time to worry about name-calling when the enemies are literally building armies to destroy the possibility of any semblance of a free society.
Wasnt expecting that Corinthians quote but god damn its good.
Libertarian baby steps are at least in the right direction but to win they need to wean off the juice , grow some teeth to start taking bites out of the state, for it only pretends to be the hand that feeds.