Destroying civilizations or sitting by and watching it happen is anything but peaceful. Watching the death cultists devour children like jackals is anything but peaceful. They want us to be passive, to live and let live, to say “I just want to be left alone” so that they can more easily carry out their plans. The forces of civilizations destruction live libertarianism.

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“Libertarian” is a meaningless term, and listening to POTP ep 907 was sadly hilarious. Dave Smith’s rant on why “Alex Jones was wrong” was a solid sales pitch for why the LP should be a lobbyist group inside the GOP. The MAGA movement has already adopted those widely relevant points like: end the fed, end the wars, close the bases, end the lockdowns, end corporate welfare, etc. rendering the “super ultra new and improved Ron Paul 2.0” LP irrelevant before they even got started. Which of these two groups could be said to be taking on the state rn? Anyway... libertarians are lefties who reject the logos and absolute truth, ie libertines. More people unmoored from truth are the last thing this polity needs. You’ve said it before Pete, the godless, atheist-centric nature of the LP is a key feature, not an anomaly. Do as thou wilt, and then rationalize how it doesn’t affect others. That’s not a philosophy for life, or politics. That’s how you destroy a culture.

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I love my boy Dave, but I had the same thought listening to the Ben Shapiro episode. Shapiro was, of course, wrong on some stuff, but Dave didn’t really back his comments with any kind of reasoning as to why or how his philosophy could create a meaningful culture of life.

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It’s just an idea they wish others would clamor for. A libertarian society does not exist, because the society necessary to uphold such an experiment has never existed. People outright reject their notions of liberty. ---- They don’t want it.

“Oh but they don’t yet know how much they really do want it.... they just need to read the scripture err ideas.”

OK cult member.

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