Amen! If one doesn’t like the predominant voices of a given group, one may find another group or add ones own content to the group voices and expound on their interpretation as they see it to make the group as well rounded as they like. Stop silencing people who think everyone should have a voice and if your voice has any merit, and holds up to critical argument without someone merely silencing you, then you will know. If your voice is illogical, emotional and redundant to the point where you should seek mental health services and there’s no meat or foundation in it, uttering empty slogans ad nauseam, you won’t make enough money to stick around. Good ideas withstand criticism. These “critics” of good ideas would rather shut them up so they do not have to face their philosophical inadequacy.
Amen! If one doesn’t like the predominant voices of a given group, one may find another group or add ones own content to the group voices and expound on their interpretation as they see it to make the group as well rounded as they like. Stop silencing people who think everyone should have a voice and if your voice has any merit, and holds up to critical argument without someone merely silencing you, then you will know. If your voice is illogical, emotional and redundant to the point where you should seek mental health services and there’s no meat or foundation in it, uttering empty slogans ad nauseam, you won’t make enough money to stick around. Good ideas withstand criticism. These “critics” of good ideas would rather shut them up so they do not have to face their philosophical inadequacy.
Thank you Karen!
It appears ironically that their end game is to run the likes of Bernie Sanders or AOC on the Libertarian ticket. Change my mind.