I am conflicted, personally. I absolutely get what you're saying and largely sympathize - our culture has been killed and its corpse has been desecrated. We all know the factors that have led to the present clown world we live in, but on the other hand some of the most craven shitlib types have clung to the opposing side - people I generally detest as much as the most hysterical zionist. None of this, of course, has much to do with the people actually living in Palestine and their living situation, but damn if the pink-haired cultists supporting them so fervently here in the US don't have me feeling "not my conflicted, not my problem."

Strange bedfellows.

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It almost feels like we're being forced to choose between Weimar and the Bolsheviks (yes, I recognize the irony 🙂)

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To synthesize my meaning a bit here: my first impulse is to be perfectly content letting the voting bloc that imported 3rd world politics and 3rd world voters into our national discourse reap what they've sown

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Tough one to chew.

While we can say with certainty that the tribes are responsible for the deracination and cultural entropy that has gripped Europeans - the tribes benefit is that they act as cohesive group while everyone around themselves acts as a if we live in a meritocracy.

That is to say white have no racial consciousness.

The JQ doesn’t solve whites lack of racial consciousness ; it just highlights who helped get us to where we are now. Most whites and I mean the majority , are full believers in the “ colorblind meritocracy “ and would be even if Israel was wiped from existence tomorrow; though we have one less (major) hurdle in the way of getting Europeans to recognize them selves as a cohesive group and advocating for their interests.

And everyone who is in the pro Palestine camp is assuredly against our interests; they’re attacking Israel because they see it symbolically identical to a statue of Robert E. Lee- it’s western and in their eyes white . If you told them you were allying with their fight against Israel to preserve the interests of whit Europeans they’d hate you with the same fervor they hate Israel. Because unfortunately that’s the way they see it .

You could say well we can ally against Israel and then focus on the Palestine camp but can you?

Jews won’t disappear they’ll just integrate into the US, and be back to their same grift . So Israel going away doesn’t solve the JQ.

And you’ll have no Allie’s amongst majority whites ; they’ll still be promoting their Thomas sowell bullshit .

And Europe will be left to its fate of demographics as destiny; that is it will become the Muslim caliphate it’s already turning into.


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Stating facts & reality = Antisemitism !!!!

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I have a not my problem not my business stance. Horrible shit happening everywhere all the time and this is the thing the media wants you to focus on, wonder why? Participating in the bloodthirsty cheerleading, but for the wrong team, still keeps it in the headlines and the center of your focus.

Once it gets *made* my problem and business, different story. I'm deeply skeptical that there will be a draft, but since it keeps getting brought up, there's not a chance I'm sending any kid of mine to die on foreign soil for people I don't know and don't care about. That'd be a big problem for me.

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I don't know if this is a neutral position or not but my stance is fight against Zionist power over here so that the people who enable the entire conflict through their support of Israel can no longer keep their thumb on the scale. Without American intervention and support this thing would never have gone this far and can't continue either.

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Answer: "American Intervention"

Question: What did Jeffrey Epstein's work accomplish?


Why were 2/3 of the 60,000 public school teachers in NYC in the 1960s Jewish?

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