“Pete, you’re just upset because your favorite statist lost, and WE were responsible!” Please, you didn’t do anything except make some posts on social media.
Rejecting and leaving the libertarian party isn't enough. I am anti-libertarian. Not just bc all they are is a bunch of spoilers, but bc i wouldn't want to live here if they did win. I dont want to have to argue over the homesteading rights of a bum in a park, i dont want to live in an area with open shooting galleries of junkies, i dont want open borders and free trade. They aren't misguided allies, they are the fucking enemy. Libertarian policies in economics and culture have ruined this country since fucking Carter.
I want order and hierarchy. The libertarians want more satanic chaos.
As Rothbard said in 1990, the "Modal 'Libertarians'" have been around forever. For whatever reason, a large plurality or majority of those attracted to the movement and/or the party seem to HATE traditional morality more than anything else in the world. IMHO, the Paleo Strategy should be promoted as the Paleo Option, but the Modals simply will not tolerate even that compromise under which they would be left in peace.
Leftism easily infiltrates every movement. The fact that no one has asked why, or sought to study this phenomenon tell me people aren't serious about winning. It appears only the Left is.
Thanks to you, I donated to the Mises Mayors and will continue to do so, and I’m glad you brought this project to my attention, regardless of who won or lost. Buck may not have won this time around but if he runs again he’ll have the name recognition he didn’t have before. I thank him for even trying, something most of us don’t do. We’re all adults here, and I never expected every candidate I supported to win every race. Regarding the Libertarian Party and its role as useful idiots, I thank you for articulating what I’ve always thought and why, even as I thought of myself as a libertarian, I never voted for the Party.
Hannibal walked through the gates a long time ago and he is now hosting a drag show in the library.
I don’t see the midterms as a repudiation of Republican candidates in so much as fully embracing left wing authoritarianism. These creatures destroyed small businesses, locked people in their homes and let your loved ones die in the hospital as nurses danced to thriller.
Their constituents are gladly asking for more.
I’ve got an idea… why not read them Rothbard and talk about the war in Yemen?
Libertarians are nothing more than useful idiots of the left… always have been.
"How is it moral to ask people for money knowing you’re going to lose?" In my mind it seems that this would make them just as disgraceful as that which they so dramatically chafe against.
I've also wondered why it seemed some people in the LP were PISSED at the Arizona candidate dropping out and endorsing Blake Masters (who is an excellent candidate IMO), screeching about how that's just admitting defeat and why even bother to run if you're just going to give up and endorse someone who's part of the "machine". It's ridiculous. It's tribalism and team playing and the blindness that people avail themselves to instead of actually evaluating the candidate on their policies and/or merit like they ask everyone else to do for them
https://youtu.be/WqUb5QDpGs8 Pete, Happy Birthday and Happy Veteran’s Day! FYI for those who don’t know, Pete recently did a chapter by chapter read of The Populist Delusion by Neema Parvini aka AcademicAgent on YouTube and I strongly recommend it. It’s a very short very impactful book about how power ACTUALLY works inside of political systems. It’s always a small cluster of tightly organized elites that are able to bring about any level of change in any time or place.
You are the cold splash of water that the Libertarian Party and especially the Mises Caucus itself desperately needs. While the Kingmaker strategy might be viable for extracting public concessions from a main party candidate where the margin of victory is closer than the (ie publicly change your platform to say Abolish the ATF otherwise the LP candidate will spoil the race for you, etc.) the only viable path to winning any power at all is in county and local races.
If you take the sheriffs office then that gives control over deputizing local militia, forcing out Federal agencies, arresting ATF trying to enforce Unconstitutional gun laws, etc. also allows you to arrest groomers in schools. Same goes for control over local school boards, county commissioner’s office, and more.
All that power is at the bottom and organizing locally, volunteering locally, talking to local pillars of the community, building out local networks, talking to people, etc. that’s the only real way to solidify power bases at the local level and win those positions. Once you have them then De Facto Soft Secession becomes a reality.
I’ll continue to tell every Libertarian I know at every meeting and event I go to to watch those videos of your chapter readings of the Populist Delusion and for those who I sense are very interested I’ll give them a copy of the book. I’ve literally been keeping a small stack of copies for this very purpose.
Keep up the great work and can’t wait to see more episodes.
I never had LP affiliation until 2020. I decided to join due in part to the Mises Caucus. That seemed promising and exciting. While I appreciate what they're doing, after seeing what a shit show the LP national is I decided to quit paying dues. Even the Mi-Caucs seem to lose sight of what matters and where they can have the greatest influence. It should not be primarily about getting Dave Smith on the national stage and continuing to educate the masses. If that were all it took, Harry Browne, Ron Paul, Rothbard, Mises and Lew would have converted the world a long time ago. We need hyper focus at the county level. We need to show folks how to win or influence these races and then what must be done once an election is won. Quite frankly, the GOP is the better option for takeover and influence peddling in most places.
You're talking about people who as their stated goal is to punish an entire state, or even country, with demonstrably worse government power over them by Democrats and their #1 concern is claiming they somehow made a point. They punished one politician.
No, you punished everyone and said it was your goal.
Here in Kansas, the DNC funded and ran an "independent conservative" by the name of Dennis Pyle to split the R vote. He didn't run as a libertarian, but a lot of the libertarians in the state were pushing for him to win and mocking anyone who pointed out what was going on.
"Taxation is theft, guys, and voting is violence!"
Pyle ended up taking about 2% of the vote. The Republican lost by just over 1%; less than 15k votes. Additionally, the Libertarian candidate took about 1%.
Laura Kelly—the newly re-elected governor—locked down the state for nearly two years, closed the schools, supports trans-kids in sports and thinks family drag shows are culturally enriching, gives tons of support to Planned Parenthood and is working to make Kansas a central abortion hub for the nation, destroyed "non-essential" Kansas businesses and used the pandemic as an excuse to sell out the state to multinational corporations (Amazon, Panasonic, etc.), has been appointing activist judges, and led an effort for blue county boards to absorb the election of sheriffs and turn them into appointed positions across the state.
Derek Schmidt (the current AG), the guy the Rs put up for governor, fucking sucks. He failed to defend the 2A Preservation Act when it was challenged and is at best a limp-wristed, Mitt Romney-style Republican.
Do you know what's better than lockdowns and dragkids and communist-appointed sheriffs? A fucking monkey-pox-riddled Mitt Romney clone.
I don't care what their rhetoric is. I don't care what books they've read or how principled they are. When push comes to shove, they're as much the enemy as any communist. And it sucks, because most of us were there 15 seconds ago and don't want the animosity, but that doesn't change reality: Libertarians are just communists driving the speed limit.
In GA the senate race was not decided or going to be easy as some I have seen on Twitter say. It was very much going to be an uphill battle for Walker to defeat the incumbent Warnock. For many reasons some of which are walkers own fault.
The other thing I see on Twitter is that Oliver probably took more votes away from Dems than GOP, which is in contradiction to the first argument that it was gonna be a easy GOP win. Oliver got 80k votes which was about 35k roughly less than what Hazel got in his run that “spoiled” the republicans chances and gave us Georgians John freaking Ossoff. Dems were not going to vote against Warnock, it’s not what they do especially here in GA. So IMO Oliver only appealed to Libertarians and maybe independent of which there are few.
My question becomes if Libertarians are the most consistent and principled people. Why would they vote for someone who is a clear leftist in Oliver? Not to say that they should have voted for Walker but the most principled thing to do would be to abstain from voting due to not have that great liberty minded candidate. Right? They complain constantly about people voting R or D no matter who and it seems as though they are doing the exact same thing, except for a L(oser) so much for calling out the hypocrisy.
Haha omg I hate the generic voice. If there was a way to farm myself out to my favorite Substackers and narrate their stuff I so would! I’ve been planning on applying to be an audiobook narrator for a while anyway
Rejecting and leaving the libertarian party isn't enough. I am anti-libertarian. Not just bc all they are is a bunch of spoilers, but bc i wouldn't want to live here if they did win. I dont want to have to argue over the homesteading rights of a bum in a park, i dont want to live in an area with open shooting galleries of junkies, i dont want open borders and free trade. They aren't misguided allies, they are the fucking enemy. Libertarian policies in economics and culture have ruined this country since fucking Carter.
I want order and hierarchy. The libertarians want more satanic chaos.
As Rothbard said in 1990, the "Modal 'Libertarians'" have been around forever. For whatever reason, a large plurality or majority of those attracted to the movement and/or the party seem to HATE traditional morality more than anything else in the world. IMHO, the Paleo Strategy should be promoted as the Paleo Option, but the Modals simply will not tolerate even that compromise under which they would be left in peace.
Leftism easily infiltrates every movement. The fact that no one has asked why, or sought to study this phenomenon tell me people aren't serious about winning. It appears only the Left is.
I wonder what the last names of those infiltrators sound like?
Smith, Collins, Von Schwarzwald...right?
Pete, buddy, if we just make more posts on social media and keep complaining about both sides, the bad people will eventually leave us alone.
Happy Birthday Pete. I root for your success every day, brother.
Thank you!!
Thanks to you, I donated to the Mises Mayors and will continue to do so, and I’m glad you brought this project to my attention, regardless of who won or lost. Buck may not have won this time around but if he runs again he’ll have the name recognition he didn’t have before. I thank him for even trying, something most of us don’t do. We’re all adults here, and I never expected every candidate I supported to win every race. Regarding the Libertarian Party and its role as useful idiots, I thank you for articulating what I’ve always thought and why, even as I thought of myself as a libertarian, I never voted for the Party.
Hannibal walked through the gates a long time ago and he is now hosting a drag show in the library.
I don’t see the midterms as a repudiation of Republican candidates in so much as fully embracing left wing authoritarianism. These creatures destroyed small businesses, locked people in their homes and let your loved ones die in the hospital as nurses danced to thriller.
Their constituents are gladly asking for more.
I’ve got an idea… why not read them Rothbard and talk about the war in Yemen?
Libertarians are nothing more than useful idiots of the left… always have been.
"How is it moral to ask people for money knowing you’re going to lose?" In my mind it seems that this would make them just as disgraceful as that which they so dramatically chafe against.
I've also wondered why it seemed some people in the LP were PISSED at the Arizona candidate dropping out and endorsing Blake Masters (who is an excellent candidate IMO), screeching about how that's just admitting defeat and why even bother to run if you're just going to give up and endorse someone who's part of the "machine". It's ridiculous. It's tribalism and team playing and the blindness that people avail themselves to instead of actually evaluating the candidate on their policies and/or merit like they ask everyone else to do for them
https://youtu.be/WqUb5QDpGs8 Pete, Happy Birthday and Happy Veteran’s Day! FYI for those who don’t know, Pete recently did a chapter by chapter read of The Populist Delusion by Neema Parvini aka AcademicAgent on YouTube and I strongly recommend it. It’s a very short very impactful book about how power ACTUALLY works inside of political systems. It’s always a small cluster of tightly organized elites that are able to bring about any level of change in any time or place.
You are the cold splash of water that the Libertarian Party and especially the Mises Caucus itself desperately needs. While the Kingmaker strategy might be viable for extracting public concessions from a main party candidate where the margin of victory is closer than the (ie publicly change your platform to say Abolish the ATF otherwise the LP candidate will spoil the race for you, etc.) the only viable path to winning any power at all is in county and local races.
If you take the sheriffs office then that gives control over deputizing local militia, forcing out Federal agencies, arresting ATF trying to enforce Unconstitutional gun laws, etc. also allows you to arrest groomers in schools. Same goes for control over local school boards, county commissioner’s office, and more.
All that power is at the bottom and organizing locally, volunteering locally, talking to local pillars of the community, building out local networks, talking to people, etc. that’s the only real way to solidify power bases at the local level and win those positions. Once you have them then De Facto Soft Secession becomes a reality.
I’ll continue to tell every Libertarian I know at every meeting and event I go to to watch those videos of your chapter readings of the Populist Delusion and for those who I sense are very interested I’ll give them a copy of the book. I’ve literally been keeping a small stack of copies for this very purpose.
Keep up the great work and can’t wait to see more episodes.
Thank you. And great post
I never had LP affiliation until 2020. I decided to join due in part to the Mises Caucus. That seemed promising and exciting. While I appreciate what they're doing, after seeing what a shit show the LP national is I decided to quit paying dues. Even the Mi-Caucs seem to lose sight of what matters and where they can have the greatest influence. It should not be primarily about getting Dave Smith on the national stage and continuing to educate the masses. If that were all it took, Harry Browne, Ron Paul, Rothbard, Mises and Lew would have converted the world a long time ago. We need hyper focus at the county level. We need to show folks how to win or influence these races and then what must be done once an election is won. Quite frankly, the GOP is the better option for takeover and influence peddling in most places.
You're talking about people who as their stated goal is to punish an entire state, or even country, with demonstrably worse government power over them by Democrats and their #1 concern is claiming they somehow made a point. They punished one politician.
No, you punished everyone and said it was your goal.
Here in Kansas, the DNC funded and ran an "independent conservative" by the name of Dennis Pyle to split the R vote. He didn't run as a libertarian, but a lot of the libertarians in the state were pushing for him to win and mocking anyone who pointed out what was going on.
"Taxation is theft, guys, and voting is violence!"
Pyle ended up taking about 2% of the vote. The Republican lost by just over 1%; less than 15k votes. Additionally, the Libertarian candidate took about 1%.
Laura Kelly—the newly re-elected governor—locked down the state for nearly two years, closed the schools, supports trans-kids in sports and thinks family drag shows are culturally enriching, gives tons of support to Planned Parenthood and is working to make Kansas a central abortion hub for the nation, destroyed "non-essential" Kansas businesses and used the pandemic as an excuse to sell out the state to multinational corporations (Amazon, Panasonic, etc.), has been appointing activist judges, and led an effort for blue county boards to absorb the election of sheriffs and turn them into appointed positions across the state.
Derek Schmidt (the current AG), the guy the Rs put up for governor, fucking sucks. He failed to defend the 2A Preservation Act when it was challenged and is at best a limp-wristed, Mitt Romney-style Republican.
Do you know what's better than lockdowns and dragkids and communist-appointed sheriffs? A fucking monkey-pox-riddled Mitt Romney clone.
I don't care what their rhetoric is. I don't care what books they've read or how principled they are. When push comes to shove, they're as much the enemy as any communist. And it sucks, because most of us were there 15 seconds ago and don't want the animosity, but that doesn't change reality: Libertarians are just communists driving the speed limit.
Fuck 'em.
In GA the senate race was not decided or going to be easy as some I have seen on Twitter say. It was very much going to be an uphill battle for Walker to defeat the incumbent Warnock. For many reasons some of which are walkers own fault.
The other thing I see on Twitter is that Oliver probably took more votes away from Dems than GOP, which is in contradiction to the first argument that it was gonna be a easy GOP win. Oliver got 80k votes which was about 35k roughly less than what Hazel got in his run that “spoiled” the republicans chances and gave us Georgians John freaking Ossoff. Dems were not going to vote against Warnock, it’s not what they do especially here in GA. So IMO Oliver only appealed to Libertarians and maybe independent of which there are few.
My question becomes if Libertarians are the most consistent and principled people. Why would they vote for someone who is a clear leftist in Oliver? Not to say that they should have voted for Walker but the most principled thing to do would be to abstain from voting due to not have that great liberty minded candidate. Right? They complain constantly about people voting R or D no matter who and it seems as though they are doing the exact same thing, except for a L(oser) so much for calling out the hypocrisy.
Can I make a suggestion, you, narrate articles instead of the generic chick.
Haha omg I hate the generic voice. If there was a way to farm myself out to my favorite Substackers and narrate their stuff I so would! I’ve been planning on applying to be an audiobook narrator for a while anyway
Are you any good?
If Pete’s open to it and someone can find a way for me to do it I’d be happy to do one as an audition of sorts
I feel like I could be, however I’m a woman so it won’t be the smooth Andy Rooney voice someone else mentioned haha.
Pete's got that great andy rooney voice