Another great article that challenges me to view things from a new angle and I appreciate it.

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You're welcome 😁

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This is such an important point. If we don't define our terms and what we mean, then we can't effectively communicate. We may be using the same words, but meaning something entirely different. Think we're allied when we are not or think that we are at odds when we are not.

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The "Liberty" word has to be narrowed in my opinion just like the "Freedom" word. Humans need specifics. Broad language is brought up with the intent of manipulation. Remember this is Baal world after all.

To me Liberty is the God (or nature) given right I have as individual to manage my own body, making decision I can only make. That includes, yes taking injections, having the right to choose life or NOT, or use certain substances...or NOT, or if (I am a woman) choose to give life or not.

As a society we still have trouble with these basic concepts and we get stuck in trivial philosophical and religious talk where it is very difficult to step on someone toes.

Case in point the abortion issue where both sides are right and wrong.

No woman should be questioned about this. However if you are going to question women about abortion you have to have inplace a system that prevents unwanted pregnancies also.

Curiously the highest numbers of abortions are in the age group 40+ (data from US, UK and Australia), that is something you do not hear from either sides. So again one more time the issues are used to create a division to get people to discuss, fight and divide.

Freedom is something else and perhaps more subjective and connected intrinsically to a culture. Free from the DOME literally........

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Apr 20, 2022Edited
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You can make it illegal. It does not matter. Since the dawn of time women do not want to be prego at times. It is not about endangering women lives either. That is a poor counterargument I agree with you. A woman life is endangered by having promiscuous sex just as much.

Don't you think?

My thing is that.... in nature the female carries the offspring not the male. Becasue of that the responsibility should fall mostly on the female.

So legal or illegal, danger or not women will always find a way as they did in the past.

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Apr 20, 2022Edited
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I am old too. What promotes promisquity is the femminists telling women go ahead and have sex because big pharma has your back with hormonal birth control. Or...having sex with XYZ is liberating for women as long as you let us the medical mafia and big pharma taking charge of your body. See that is how femminism has miselead two generations. Now we have confused fucked up girls. Truly it was only a change of leadership above women.

Like I said most abortions happens in the age group 40+ who is made of married women!!!!!

That is never going to change.

The group with the highest pregnancies does not have the most abortions.

Abortions happened all the times in history. During the middle ages, and beyond depending on areas infanticide was vey high with infant mortality up to 50%.....child birth alone, diseases, malnutrition, but lot of infanticide a birth by drawning and suffocation, that was when you just had too many children you could not feed.

Perhaps shifting the topic to PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY would be a first step toward a betterment of the individual and the resolution of these problems.

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I’ve always thought “freedom” is a scam Americans have been sold on. We simply have had it better than other countries. To keep my comment short, I think people really want happiness. New listener to your podcast. Absolutely love it.

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