Man oh man, the shit has really hit the fan with the Libertarian Party (LP). At this point (well before this point really) I don’t know how much I can care about anything anymore, other than defeating the Progressives who have infiltrated the party. After that I may just go back to Agorism or try my hand at fucking shit up with a local chapter of the Republican Party. Who knows?
With the events that went down with the LP New Hampshire (LPNH), which I talked about in my last two written posts, and my most recent podcast episode, it’s was all getting very tiring. Then on Tuesday night, members of the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) held a vote to disaffiliate (not return electronic information and physical equipment) New Hampshire from the party and it passed. Do I really care? Not really. But there are a few ironies I’d like to point out.
First, many members of the LP, including people I love and admire, expressed their hatred of the “takeover” language that Dave Smith used when he started his campaign to recruit libertarians into the Libertarian Party. The opponents of the word “takeover” considered it combative to members who have been in the LP all along. They accused the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (LPMC) of wanting to purge members from the party. Yet, like the good little democrats that Sarwark (if you don’t think he’s behind this you’re a fool) and his ilk are, they became hypocrites and purged the LPMC members in New Hampshire. I’d be willing to bet that LP National (LPN) Chair, Joe Bishop-Henchman, is nothing more than Sarwark’s puppet. Honestly, when I’ve heard Henchman talk, I assumed there wasn’t a lot going on upstairs.
Second, one of the main complaints against the LPNH was that whoever was running the State’s official Twitter account was beyond the pale and just plain being an edgelord, a keyboard warrior. I understand keyboard warrior to mean someone who talks a tough game on the internet but will never back it up in person. Yeah, about that. Henchman has already canceled his appearance at the upcoming LP North Carolina convention and I’m very eager to find out if that’s a trend or not. Is he not willing to defend his decision in person? I will be attending my first Porcfest next week and am eager to see if the conspirators from the LPNH coup will show their faces (may be hard to identify them at first as they’ll probably be wearing masks like the virtue signaling little pansies they are). But yeah, just like the politicians populating an illegitimate government, the hiding your face from those who may have a few questions has begun. And those attending Porcfest need not worry about me going after them as I’ll be there to show, and answer questions about, the documentary I took part in writing and producing. A documentary which in itself is a greater achievement for liberty than any of these shirt-lifters will ever achieve in their miserable, sorry lives. But there may be others attending over which I have no control. And their hatred is palpable.
These Progressive fuckers seem to have one goal, to destroy the term libertarian, by making the ideas of individual liberty appear to be Leftist, collectivist nonsense. I’m inclined to back off and let them achieve their goals. But I hate these bastards with a burning passion and want to stick around long enough to see every one of them driven back to the far-Left sewers from which they emerged. I just hope that’s sooner than later because I honestly believe politics can only be used for defensive means in small skirmishes and I question whether the LP will ever possess that kind of power.
**Correction** Apparently the disaffiliate vote is Friday evening. I promise I’ll never make a mistake again. ; )
> I will be attending my first Porcfest next week
It will be my first too. See you there.