The James Lindsay situation is, if nothing else, a real time demonstration of how neocons are formed: Co-opt some conservative ideas that other (smarter) people came up with, pass them off as your own to gain influence, then ruthlessly gatekeep the people who actually brought these ideas into the conversation to become the steadfast defender of the overturn window’s right flank.

We don’t even need to speculate on this. He has said explicitly on multiple occasions that he thinks the right is the real threat. They never hide their real intentions, the real conspiracies are in the open.

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It almost seems that the more out in the open it is the easier people are duped.

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Are they already far gone? These people cheer on Christ Deniers bombing Christian children (and Muslim ones too.) It's almost as of they've been turned over to reprobate minds.

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I didn’t even know who he was when he blew up, guess I was better off

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I STILL don't. ;)

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I know enough from Pete to know that he’s notworth knowing.

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"Real Classical Liberalism has never been tried." -James Lindsay Also, Jay Dyer and Johnathan Pageau offered to debate Lindsay in regard to Christianity vs Atheism and he refuses because he would get destroyed in about 3 minutes and he knows it.

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He's just another social engineer.

Watching how normie cons react to him is informative. Those of us who weren't around for the neocon takeover may wonder how it happened. James gives us insight.

He's an intellectual with prestige and the chuds are too excited by such a man agreeing with them to notice how much he hates them.

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Thanks Pete.

How timely to catch my own typical Lindsay ‘QT and block’ this past weekend. Auron and Prud called it right— he just hates Christians.

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It’s clear his plan is infiltration into the religious right to offer an inception of his own ideas to gaslight us and get us to second guess our beliefs.

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