For some reason, my very first instinct about NPR, like when I first heard of it was extreme skepticism and that it's retarded. Living in the heart of the rich and famous from DC in Alexandria and working at a popular local haunt in Del Ray, I met a lot of the who's who in politics. I sat with them, had drinks and one of the most retarded but for some reason highly regarded by locals was a NPR program director. Having been introduced to me, a massage therapist turned art model turned minister and restaurant hostess who had no idea what NPR was, I found him immediately more ignorantly left wing than the average lefty parrot or dunce. These people are retarded with hubris. You'd think it's gas lighting but I can assure you, they believe every bit of their own press. They are that unaware.

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At the time, I thought I was dumb about the world, but after meeting him, I felt a new level of self confidence by contrast which I have never been able to shake. It's scary how stupid the people in charge of things in the Matrix are.

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Aaahahaha, I laugh every time someone puts one of these together. Reminds me of back in the '80s and '90s with the string of televangelist scandals. Their devoted gaslit audience were out of the loop, but everyone else was laughing.

The next step here is to stop acting like these clowns have prestige or deserve any respect. We've had these rants before, but I really wish the sort of peripheral/soft-right would catch up. People like Tim Pool, Rogan and Crowder completely obliterate prog blogs like NPR and the NYT in terms of audience but still play the role of the reactionary/underdog. The vanguard of any movement is always going to be fringe and that's fine - these guys aren't "our guys", but I'm really getting tired of seeing what is effectively the mainstream at this point kowtowing to the skinsuit media.

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Bingo! I find ridicule and humor to be the best reply to the hue and cry of 'racist' 'bigot' 'phobe'...

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Powerful tools if properly utilized.

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A victim of the writer's strike?

I remember when I was an art student and thought I was "Left" (mainly because I was anti-war and GW Bush and Co. were at the helm, drumming up their post-911 middle eastern shenanigans). I listened to NPR and watched the Daily Show. I thought Bill Maher was funny and insightful! Even then they were so full of shit it (eventually) helped drive me away. For a while I felt insulted and disgusted that they had such a low opinion of me that they'd think they could get away with it indefinitely. I know a lot of people are so twisted and Stockholmed that they'll probably never cross that line, but it's a possible whitepill that the backlash to being gaslit can act as a slingshot away from the ideology and inoculation against it, and it (presumably) becomes more likely as their rhetoric degrades over time.

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But speaking of gaslighting, am I crazy or are they now telling us that the summer months being hot is new and man made (global warming) because I see people around me lapping it up???

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Every year summer gets hot and winter gets cold and every year people act like they never experienced heat or cold before.

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Goldfish brain?

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They’re fucking retarded. Shoulda checked with whoever was in the big eating department before releasing that. Morons. 🤣

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