What the right should do is respond strategically. If and when possible, we should force multiply. Setting up a legal fund to perpetually sue these people would be a great start. Lawfare is a legitimate intimidation weapon if you can afford it, and collectively we can afford it. Second, someone should burn down the SPLC headquarters in Minecraft. 😂

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There’s not enough wood chippers. We need to manufacture more wood chippers.

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Unleash the cops!

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Hang 'Em High... (the movie with Clint Eastwood).

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You mean this guy was from the very same SPLC that wrote the FBI sheet claiming Catholics were domestic terrorists? I'm Shocked......shocked that he was actually arrested in the first place, but to see the agency is the GBI, then maybe there's a slight chance some states will step up and deal with the street level thugs. We can only hope that it empowers them enough to buck some of the DC BS too...

(very slight chances on these, but it's nice to dream)

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I don’t know how to fix this, but in completely unrelated news, Kohl’s is running a BOGO on khaki blouses.

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It is curious to see how this will play out. My assumption is that he'll plea down. When I saw he was charged with domestic terrorism that was a bit of a white pill. The FBI actually charged one of these pieces of shit with domestic terrorism? Nope. Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

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In my college years, many years ago, there was this constant mantra of those who wanted to defend liberty and freedom: 'You can not defend liberty through the use of tyranny, under the guise of saving it'. The theory seems valid and sound, as we know that once government seizes power, it never gives it up. What if the opposite is true, though? Can you defend or create tyranny through the use of freedom and liberty? That is exactly what has happened in this country over the past 100 or so years, with increasing rapidity over the last 20. From intellectuals in the universities secreting their ideologies into classroom material in order to indoctrinate impressionable young people under the guise of 1A or black nationalists toting rifles as some sort of expression of 2A (as if they are even interested in the roots of where and why 2A exists) or 'doxxing' someone as a way of rooting out 'extremism' under the umbrella of 'private contracts and End User Agreements', with never a thought for the reason why the 4th and 5th Amendments exist. We simply do not have a population that cares much about rights or its philosophy. The police are of no use, not like they used to be anyway. If those people tried that in, say. Moscow, the residents of the city would have met them there in droves and beat them to within an inch of their lives and then the police would have showed up to finish the job. That's what needs to be done. Pinochet used chopper rides over the Pacific......or Atlantic (you pick). Violence is the only thing these people respect, and it needs to be given to them in heavy doses.

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There was a article online where most of them are from out of state. Some from Canada and as far away as France.

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