During my time working in public schools, I noticed that when “these people” are a small minority in a sea of White faces, they tend to be well-behaved and reasonably competent academically. When they are a large plurality or, God forbid, a majority, they are complete retarded savages. And of course, the white students who sink to their level and engage in their savagery are almost all female. In other words, their are thousands of controlled experiments all across the country that prove what we already know about race relations/gender dynamics over and over again, year after year. No replication crisis here.
Thinking conspiratorially, I believe they are elevating groups that are much easier for the elite to dominate and direct. The school to 'victim' pipeline really works.
If you were in the business of ruling the world an uneducated serf population only helps.
The statistics on interracial crime data which of course the Regime recently stopped publishing are bizarre because they almost seem unbelievable given the social engineering and state propaganda we’ve been fed since kindergarten. Aggravated Assault of Black men against Whites is 200x that’s 20,000% higher than White on Black. Black males raping/sexually assaulting White females occurs 10,000-30,000 times annually literally a few times every hour in America but the reverse a White male raping/sexually assaulting a Black female has not been recorded ONCE in at least 30 YEARS.
Yes you can reread that last sentence. The last recorded instance in the stats as far as I could find was that the rape/sexual assault of Black women by White men was so low the figures place an asterisk stating that it’s below the margin of error so it’s under 10 however given the hyper racialized nature of GAE if there was even a single instance then it would be national news like that Duke Lacrosse team stripper rape case which turned out of course to be a hoax.
That last stat is absolutely unreal but true and nobody talks about it ever. I didn’t even find out about it until a year ago and I’m in my mid-30’s. The censorship of discussion regarding actual violence for this long on this scale is going to boil over into something truly ugly if the censorship doesn’t stop.
When Elon Musk takes over Twitter if we see the crime statistics infographics circulating openly on Twitter then maybe there’s hope. Otherwise expect the collapse to accelerate further to an engineered race war because the controllers absolutely despise Whites to a genocidal degree.
Color, Communism, and Common Sense. “These people” are slaves now more than ever. “Free” to roam about the plantation, the new crop they pick is political power. American blacks, more than anything else, need to be culture jammed. Even for the average Puttytang on the street, the horrendous and shameful outcomes are difficult to explain away, to be kind. The intentional perpetuation of this culture is nothing short of a boat anchor to what is supposed to be a nation, rowing in the same direction. Well, they’ve set fire to their oars. Abandon the cities. Consolidate your immediate family in one place, preferably on the same land. Form a mutual aid society. This chaos is why the feds dismantled and scattered the legitimate constitutional militia from coast to coast.
During my time working in public schools, I noticed that when “these people” are a small minority in a sea of White faces, they tend to be well-behaved and reasonably competent academically. When they are a large plurality or, God forbid, a majority, they are complete retarded savages. And of course, the white students who sink to their level and engage in their savagery are almost all female. In other words, their are thousands of controlled experiments all across the country that prove what we already know about race relations/gender dynamics over and over again, year after year. No replication crisis here.
Thinking conspiratorially, I believe they are elevating groups that are much easier for the elite to dominate and direct. The school to 'victim' pipeline really works.
If you were in the business of ruling the world an uneducated serf population only helps.
The statistics on interracial crime data which of course the Regime recently stopped publishing are bizarre because they almost seem unbelievable given the social engineering and state propaganda we’ve been fed since kindergarten. Aggravated Assault of Black men against Whites is 200x that’s 20,000% higher than White on Black. Black males raping/sexually assaulting White females occurs 10,000-30,000 times annually literally a few times every hour in America but the reverse a White male raping/sexually assaulting a Black female has not been recorded ONCE in at least 30 YEARS.
Yes you can reread that last sentence. The last recorded instance in the stats as far as I could find was that the rape/sexual assault of Black women by White men was so low the figures place an asterisk stating that it’s below the margin of error so it’s under 10 however given the hyper racialized nature of GAE if there was even a single instance then it would be national news like that Duke Lacrosse team stripper rape case which turned out of course to be a hoax.
That last stat is absolutely unreal but true and nobody talks about it ever. I didn’t even find out about it until a year ago and I’m in my mid-30’s. The censorship of discussion regarding actual violence for this long on this scale is going to boil over into something truly ugly if the censorship doesn’t stop.
When Elon Musk takes over Twitter if we see the crime statistics infographics circulating openly on Twitter then maybe there’s hope. Otherwise expect the collapse to accelerate further to an engineered race war because the controllers absolutely despise Whites to a genocidal degree.
Color, Communism, and Common Sense. “These people” are slaves now more than ever. “Free” to roam about the plantation, the new crop they pick is political power. American blacks, more than anything else, need to be culture jammed. Even for the average Puttytang on the street, the horrendous and shameful outcomes are difficult to explain away, to be kind. The intentional perpetuation of this culture is nothing short of a boat anchor to what is supposed to be a nation, rowing in the same direction. Well, they’ve set fire to their oars. Abandon the cities. Consolidate your immediate family in one place, preferably on the same land. Form a mutual aid society. This chaos is why the feds dismantled and scattered the legitimate constitutional militia from coast to coast.