Look, it’s not only the Left. Some of the things I see coming from the Right are insanely stupid. I watched someone who claimed to be on the Right react against the idea of traditional marriage roles yesterday. We live in a world where every institution that has stood the test of time, even one that guarantees our future like traditional marriage roles in which a woman brings a child into the world, nourishes and cares for it, while a RESPONSIBLE father works to make that arrangement possible is seen as a relic.
But it’s even simpler than that. I pray most of you don’t know who Claire Lehmann is because that probably means you have a life. She founded the site Quillette in response to the wave of deplatforming that started back in 2016-17 and is considered to be one of the leaders of the “Intellectual Dork Web.” The IDW is basically a bunch of people responding to cancel culture who refuse to address its root cause because they all ascribe to its ideology: liberalism.
Here she is responding to a tweet in which Geoffrey Miller gives his take as to how nationalism implies isolationism militarily:
Take your time. Let me know when you see it. If you don’t, I’ll type it below.
Can someone explain to me how a country can be sovereign if their very existence is predicated on the military of another, much larger and more powerful nation? If anything, that screams vassal state (lower case *s* done purposefully). These aren’t people to be taken seriously.
There are very few people I can read and take seriously any longer and more than half of them are random Twitter users not using their real names. Even many people I’ve respected in the past refuse to see the times for what they are and adjust accordingly. It’s on you to know who to get your information from. Discernment is rarely used these days. Make it a point to exercise those muscles daily.
This is the mindset of almost everyone at every level now. Every individual who believes their rights are granted by the State is saying the same thing on a personal level. Choosing "safety" (read: convenience) over liberty. Choosing to be owned. Not that you don't already know this. Interesting demonstration of how it scales up. Fractal slavery.
Sounds like she only disagrees with him because it would have consequences that she doesn't like. What a high quality thinker.