I am whatever counter-signals whatever they are.

It’s like diarrhea and vomit left on the floor to seep into the carpet and grow mold. It can’t be tolerated. It can’t be reformed or bargained with. It requires a certain... “reaction.”

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Peter R. Quiñones

Lmao lesbian wildebeests. Many such cases.

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Tolerance of Evil is not a virtue in the slightest, all the arguments for tolerance and acceptance of all these things have always been done in bad faith. It's like Auron said in that one tweet, It's not that complicated they are evil and want to diddle kids, and they are willing to say or do anything to make it happen. I feel at least you can take that formula to most of this garbage and replace the key terms and it will apply equally.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Peter R. Quiñones

The idea that one must tolerate everything or else one is a backward bigot has long been ingrained in our culture through literature, movies, the arts-it’s everywhere. Recently I saw a movie from the early 1940’s where the righteous and heroic characters were bohemian liberals bordering on mental illness and the pathetic characters were uptight capitalist types who only thought about work and production. How many times have we seen this theme repeated in movies and elsewhere until we no longer notice it and just accept the concept unconsciously? Once you internalize this idea that the weird is good and the normal is bad, you can be sold anything, including the idea that to laugh at and ridicule men who put on skirts and lipstick is now unacceptable and bigoted. But laugh at them we must, for we’re at the end of the road where the pedos are flagrantly exposing themselves and daring us to do anything about it.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Peter R. Quiñones

We need sharia

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Any institution that is not explicitly right wing... well you know the rest. If there is a lesson to be learned here, it's that we should never cede ground to the left under any circumstances and always anticipate their arrival. Leftism is a flame that turns into a raging fire when we carelessly allow it into our communities. It needs to be controlled, contained, and put out when possible. Call me a reactionary or call me Smokey, I don't give a damn.

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We have failed to uphold decency. Now how do we redeem ourselves? That is a question that should haunt everyone.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

I'm about as upset when they call me "reactionary" as I used to be when they called me "anarchist".

Sure, yeah, that's accurate. Does that upset you? Bawwwww.

I don't even get how it's supposed to be an insult. It's their way of saying "I accuse you of not liking my deranged evil ideology and harboring the intent to stop it!" Like, uh, yeah. Figure that out all by yourself?

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I’m simply better than them, all of them, in nearly every aspect of life. Their labels mean nothing to me. These low IQ, low status, low achievement, low information, low energy, low testosterone faggots and greasy commies are inferior to me and mine. Privilege is a life pattern, available to all willing to walk the talk.

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