A strange coincidence that you discuss experts and bring up the dictionary. I watched this short documentary over the weekend about an event I had never heard of: The Beverly Hills Supper Club fire, across the river from Cincinnati in Kentucky. Horrifying event which killed 165 people because of poorly marked exits, poor wiring, no fire alarms and a facility designed like a maze. It burned right to the ground. This happened in 1977. So, after the documentary, a news report from the day after it happened was recommended. The reporter opened up with discussing the event and referred to it as a 'holocaust'. My eyes blinked, as I realized that at this point in time that particular word had not yet been made sacred to Jews during WWII. As a matter of fact, the word more accurately describes large fires with total and complete devastation and massive loss of life. I had to look it up, because in my lifetime I had never used it in any other manner than in the WWII sense, and in that vain it would be more accurate to refer to the slaughter of the residents of Dresden during that time period than any other event at the time.

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Watch this mash up of Peter Hotez: https://youtu.be/Sj6-QDVYbv8

Our experts are corrupt assholes. Like the priests in 300 who made the oracle say what they got paid to make it say.

Science and Data are bullshit. Not bc the methods can't be used to find the truth, but rather because the methods can't be prevented from spewing lies. Studies, data, models and experts will tend to spit out the tlnarrative that the people who paid for them want them to.

There are plenty who stopped trusting the media who will still source their arguments to studies and data. This is clownish. THERE IS NO SOURCE OF TRUTH.

We are left following our intuitions, guided by our principles and beliefs. We live in an empire of bullshit.

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While im sharing links, i think you guys will all enjoy this from skeptical waves


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Well stated! Not surprising that definitions have been manipulated to support overarching targets of authoritarian regimes.

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This reminds me that there was some dogshit article by Slate or HuffPo with a sub headline that said, "Trans sex experts say..." That one I laughed at pretty hard. What the hell is a trans sex expert? Could've replaced it with deviant.

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That's a very interesting point about the word "expert". That the failluminati like to screw with language is a trope at this point, but it's easy to forget they used to know how to be subtle about it.

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