The Ukraine or Ukraine or whatever I’m supposed to call it has been under Russian rule for the majority of the past what 6 centuries? If I’m not mistaken the president of Ukraine native tongue is Russian. All of this seems to be a deflect from the current situation at home. As a 17 year old I got tricked into believing the war on terrorism was a good thing and fool me once shame on you, fool me twice I can’t get fooled again.
my 2 cent; this Ки́їв drama seems like just the next appetizer before the main course is served, as the plates of the previous one are being taken off the table in a much less ceremoniously manner as they were served. The main course appears to be financial terrorism; the arguably inevitable crack-up boom, but planned and delivered in a controlled manner with "accidental" scapegoats. The health scare was a useful user acceptance test, and if any truth that adrenaline (like doing sports or rap shows) or electromagnetic exposure is a serious risk to the poked, at least any kind of mass public resistance from them that don't bend the knee can be easily contained when the bio-survival anxiety hits levels we've never seen in our lifetimes. As for the rest of us that fell through the cracks, godspeed.
Why must people say that Putin is a bad guy? I consider him to be the best statesman in my time.
WaPo did a survey in which they got folks to position Ukraine on a world map, then indicate how they felt about intervention, and there was a staggering correlation between folks wanting to intervene and folks not knowing where Ukraine is in the world.
At least one person voted Missouri and another Miami
The Ukraine or Ukraine or whatever I’m supposed to call it has been under Russian rule for the majority of the past what 6 centuries? If I’m not mistaken the president of Ukraine native tongue is Russian. All of this seems to be a deflect from the current situation at home. As a 17 year old I got tricked into believing the war on terrorism was a good thing and fool me once shame on you, fool me twice I can’t get fooled again.
People you'll never meet in an area that has no bearing on your life
my 2 cent; this Ки́їв drama seems like just the next appetizer before the main course is served, as the plates of the previous one are being taken off the table in a much less ceremoniously manner as they were served. The main course appears to be financial terrorism; the arguably inevitable crack-up boom, but planned and delivered in a controlled manner with "accidental" scapegoats. The health scare was a useful user acceptance test, and if any truth that adrenaline (like doing sports or rap shows) or electromagnetic exposure is a serious risk to the poked, at least any kind of mass public resistance from them that don't bend the knee can be easily contained when the bio-survival anxiety hits levels we've never seen in our lifetimes. As for the rest of us that fell through the cracks, godspeed.