As an adult, and more importantly, acting like one (for the most part), I am very quick to apologize for and acknowledge my mistakes. When you are as “extremely online” as I am, you’re bound to make a few, and some of those may come in the form of false accusations. I admit I have made a few but they were made out of ignorance. I have never just “made something up” to make someone look bad. The same cannot be said of my enemies. When I recently appeared on Reed Coverdale’s “Naturalist Capitalist” YouTube channel, a member of the Libertarian Party “Loser Brigade” (those critical of the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus, LPMC) accused me of calling for violence against “trans people” and claimed to have receipts. She was adamant that she “always brings receipts.” What she presented were screenshots from Facebook in which I was critical of her far-left, positive-rights based political views. I guess in her mind, being critical of trans people is also calling for violence to be carried out against them.
I bring up this incident because the same person who made false accusations against me made a post that was supposed to be critical of the finances of the LPMC which are public on the Federal Election Commission’s website. Here’s the post:
Yes, any organization’s greatest expense in which travel is crucial will be just that, travel. When my company, Stateless Productions, produced “The Monopoly On Violence,” this was our biggest expense because of interviews. Not understanding that a political action committee’s (PAC) largest expense will be travel, exposes a fundamental lack of knowledge when it comes to the “malfeasance” you are allegedly exposing. There are 50 state conventions to get representatives to. This is not a difficult concept to understand.
When the above screenshot was shared into the Mises Caucus Facebook group I commented as such and was met with a response:
So, “garbage humans” don’t exist outside the State apparatus? To use an extreme example, was Jim Jones not a garbage human? I would be willing to bet this person considers Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes to be garbage humans. The fact that the person I called a garbage human identifies with the Left probably makes them immune to criticism in the commenter’s eyes. This is a point I make frequently, that the Left is perceived, even by “libertarians,” as well-intentioned but misguided. And the Right is always “reactionary” and evil. Hammer and Sickle flags at a Black Lives Matter protest are forgiven, but a Confederate flag ANYWHERE is anathema and to be immediately denounced.
And the postscript is total bullshit as it implies I only care what people in my in-group believe about me. Even the “hard-ass” who claims they “don’t give a shit” what other people think is lying. People care about their reputations, especially in a climate where they are being fired from their jobs at “private companies” for opinions.
This only incentivizes me to recruit for the Mises Caucus even harder. The more we flood the party with people who actually care about liberty for everyone, and not just their pet group, the greater the motivation for these people to leave and join the Democrats or the Greens, which is where they should be. Honestly, having to explain the difference between negative and positive rights for the thousandth time is tedious. Just go be with your people and I’ll be with mine. That is the basis of a voluntary society. Please exercise it now. You’re free to.
A lie of false equivalency followed by a gotcha question of the same nature... but if you disagree, you are engaging in wrong speak and can’t win.
I would say people who make up false accusations about people based on tribalist exaggerations which everyone even in the tribe can see through does make them a bit of a dumpster fire. The only reason to make exceptions on her behalf is because one doesn’t want to get kicked out of the tribe for dealing with the loudest and most narcissistic monster in there and have heaps of flaming trash flung in their direction next. A group based on disingenuous “cry bully kafkatrapping” tactics is not going to lose their loudest and most prominent cry bully. It would be hypocritical. And she’d win because she’s the master of the same bullshit and inconsistency their whole tribe is founded upon.