You should have hope, but just don’t think it’s a plan.

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If Trump wins, the violence will be blamed on a small local person or group of people. If Trump loses, something will happen, some false flag, it will amount to a nothing burger, but it will be blown out of proportion and blamed on the entire right wing and it will become officially illegal to be right wing and the union of right and terrorism will be complete. We will be Hamas, every one of us and anyone they murder in their search for this invisible Hamas will be human shields in the way. They will start blowing up all Christian churches and schools while in session.

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My hope, is beyond hope, it’s that God will use all the possible outcomes to His glory. And in that, I can see the right being completely radicalized and unified if Harris wins and I have great hope for that as much as I have hopes that a Trump administration will be helped by the cultural right rather than apologized for it or excused by that same group of people. I think my expectation for a sleeping right allowing Trump to hire boneheads and disregard the good people that helped him get elected and gain the faith of that same right, is a little higher than most, because seeing is believing and I’ve seen Trump embrace Kennedy, hold meetings telling him he’s going to appoint him to this or that, then take a meeting with Gates and come out opposed to Kennedy after making assurances. I’ve seen that. And I’ve watched the public in the face of that, still apologize for Trump. So, for me, it’s hard to get past people that didn’t hold him accountable, the same ones that still won’t hold him accountable for prior mistakes, doing so this time. Will it be a shame on you fooled me twice thing or are those people so polarized that they will support Trump no matter what, when he turns his back on them, merely because Soros got a few college kids riled up about it and they’d rather be anti college campus kids on the left than fooled me twice shame on Trump? I think we have seen that answer play out, too. So, sadly, my only hope for Trump is in Trump doing the right thing of his own volition and not in the right making him do the right thing. And that’s a bit of a shaken ground. And for disturbing anyone’s cognitive dissonance about this being the reality of the situation, I’m not going to check out Canadas healthcare system. Sorry, I will speak what I know is the truth. And some of you who put your faith in the house built on the sand will have to pretend that your hope is more than it is. I hope for Trump to do the right thing, honestly I do because that’s all I have. I wish I could hope for the right to wake up during a Trump presidency and defend what is right and virtuous and consolidating (the values of a strong society) over defending Trump no matter what he says or does. I just don’t have that last hope in me. Black pill??? I dunno. I still have friends on the right defending Israel blowing up schools right now, so… I’m not the one causing the black pill here. They are.

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Yes, the thing you are speaking of with Libertarians coming to the end game of burn it all down (which they are allowed to say all day long because it will never happen and it would obviously be mass death if it were attempted) is clearly facing cognitive dissonance. That’s what you are trying to say I think. It’s a supplanted cognitive dissonance. I get thinking like a person who believes what the govt does is less important than what they do - in their daily life. Yes, we all agree to that- as long as- and this is where the libertarians and anarchists get vocally pissed off when I say it, as long as you living your life is not participating in moral, ethical or financial decay, ruin, demoralization. When the whole group works harder to defend moral decay, abject poverty by choice, slums, drug addiction, etc than they do to call out who is responsible for the things in govt they hate and the behavior that destroys civilization, you can’t help but notice they are in cognitive dissonance, a loop with no real end game or a highly destructive, horrible one that they really refuse to consider because they know ultimately that will never happen. And ultimately, everything being zero investment to them, “free” is more important than caring, hoping, that the wrong people might be removed from the machine that will in some form always exist.

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