Hey Pete, I’m not the brightest amongst all y’all but I love listening and learning to the best of my ability. I do love to read but find it difficult to compile a coherent list of books that aren’t completely revisioned narratives that are not favorable and make anyone who thinks otherwise to be a dehumanized villain. It’s a lot to ask I know but could you name a few books circa WW1 and WW2 that might help me to have a more complete understanding that isn’t just « worst to ever exist and no other questions shall be accepted ». Any titles you have the time to throw in would be appreciated greatly. Thanks, Nita B. From Cajun Country
Appreciate the help Pete, I’ll see if I can find them on sale. I’ll be around listening, learning, and trying my best to pass on what I can without scaring ma famille
Thanks for your good work and a Happy Thanksgiving. One suggestion for the New Year....cut back on the F bombs. I am a midwesterner, i can handle a F bomb now and then but a lot of us don't handle the frequent F bomb culture very well.
I'm thankful for many things: family, friends, vocation, our Country, my State and community. But I am also thankful for you, Pete! Blessings to you and Kelli and have a great Thanksgiving.
Hey Pete, I’m not the brightest amongst all y’all but I love listening and learning to the best of my ability. I do love to read but find it difficult to compile a coherent list of books that aren’t completely revisioned narratives that are not favorable and make anyone who thinks otherwise to be a dehumanized villain. It’s a lot to ask I know but could you name a few books circa WW1 and WW2 that might help me to have a more complete understanding that isn’t just « worst to ever exist and no other questions shall be accepted ». Any titles you have the time to throw in would be appreciated greatly. Thanks, Nita B. From Cajun Country
Hi Nita. Anything by David Irving for WW2. Hitler's War is the best.
Storm of Steel by Jünger is a great start from WW1
Appreciate the help Pete, I’ll see if I can find them on sale. I’ll be around listening, learning, and trying my best to pass on what I can without scaring ma famille
grateful for pete and his intelligence vision and work ethic most especially.
my life got so much easier when i embraced the idea that “what other people think of me is none of my business”. it’s so freeing.
Thanks for your good work and a Happy Thanksgiving. One suggestion for the New Year....cut back on the F bombs. I am a midwesterner, i can handle a F bomb now and then but a lot of us don't handle the frequent F bomb culture very well.
Other than that, great content!
I'm thankful for many things: family, friends, vocation, our Country, my State and community. But I am also thankful for you, Pete! Blessings to you and Kelli and have a great Thanksgiving.
Thank you. From both of us.
Thanks Pete. Have a great Thanksgiving with the family man.
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving