"Un-fuck your thinking"

My new catch phrase!!!

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Thank you Pete, for articulating the thoughts I've been having since the blackpillers flooded my TL. And in much better words 🤣

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I listen to your show because I want to hear the facts. I can get hyperbole anywhere, its so common now.

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Thanks for this Pete! We need to constantly hear this and be reminded. Trump is gonna Trump. We are going to Win!

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What indication did Trump ever give that he wasn't pro ZOG? He's always been consistently pro Zionism. If someone voted for Trump and thought he was going to dismantle ZOG they're morons, Period. He's the lesser of two evils, that's it.

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Sorry that you can’t imagine that people who want to hold Trump accountable couldn’t possibly have a nuanced stance. It’s not that “war is coming” it’s that we can steer Trump through popular opinion toward Tucker and Massie and people with cooler heads who already have Trumps ear.

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I actually said this

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I heard black pill black pill black pill, stop complaining, shut your trap.

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If the election was indeed a mandate, then, we need to all make noise when Trump starts to go away from what the public wants and needs. Going silent is not white pilling. Being noisy isn’t black pilling. We need to mouth off and get all those on our side trending that he is making a big fucking mistake on behalf of those who elected him. He needs to hear we don’t want war with Iran.

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Covid could never have happened without a complicit and approving right. We can’t go to sleep. There’s something called nuance. We thought we couldn’t go to war with a virus and get the whole public to wear a mask either. Ryan Dawson is saying “no war with Iran”. Is he click baiting?

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Social media trends will influence him.

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We don’t sit down and shut up now that he’s in office. We stay awake and keep him accountable to his vision. If everyone just puts the mask on because he does or rolls up their sleeves to get the shot because he does, then we get Covid all over again.

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Perfection or anarchy… these are obvious strawman arguments, Pete. You are better than that.

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No, this is what I hear.

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Well, you are hearing that from morons that have no business talking about anything. I personally think we have to be vigilant on the right to keep him from giving us three good years before he has a lapse in judgment and posts Anthony Fauci to head of universe to destroy all whatever progress he might have claimed. That is a valid concern. Past is precedent. Personally, I think Covid was the third world war. I see the effects of it world wide and it’s usefulness to push further into tyranny, poverty of the people, transfer of money to the wealthy, energy resource monopolization and never ending inflation that just gets kicked further down the road but leaving the root unresolved and unaccounted for. I know for a fact, nothing like that could have occurred under a leftist administration because if it started with a fighting awake right in opposition, ut never would have started. So, it’s not what can Trump get away with this time as much as what can the architects of the new world order pull off now that the right supports Trump or apologizes for him whether he aligns with their values or not, and the left wants more tyranny and will only bitch that Trump isn’t tyrannical enough (which is ironic considering how they behave toward his election)? It’s a very sticky place for us culturally. Can we afford a fourth world war be it on climate, agriculture, another virus, space aliens, illegal aliens, or Iran? The answer is obviously: no. But the right will have to fight for abstinence and they don’t want to fight Trump or Trump’s valued and cherished appointee. And I don’t think we are getting off to a good start culturally if we tell people that all you have control over is your vote and any criticisms will be taken as black pulling and spoiling our enthusiasm. If all he did was fix immigration that would be great but we all know that that would be the best case scenario- not the worst. That would be childish idealism to even say he would merely improve immigration. Because the reality is, while he is doing that, making some small headway against immigration, just like trying to build forces against Iran, the bad guys are advancing as well. In this case, the “pressure on Iran” the further fomenting relations between Russia, China and Iran who we should be trying to peacefully negotiate with rather than further polarizing, the neocons using the perfect situation to capitalize on the ultimate weakness of conservatives in this predicament, overly pregnant with hubris about Trump’s win. It’s not a time to assume the worst nor the best but it’s always the time to remain vigilant and to keep the spotlight on our enemies.

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