Anyone who’s paying attention and is honest with themselves knows that 2020 was a turning point in the history of the West. Going forward, it’s almost as if I judge events happening in the world using this "2020 vision.” It was a year that saw many people rethink their political ideologies and even return to or seek out places of worship. It certainly caused me to do both. We grew too relaxed. Many who still pretend it’s 2019 and continue to bask in the glory of their "morality" judge those of us who actually possess a survival instinct as inconsistent or fair-weather. Go fuck yourselves.
As 2020 wore on, I saw many people I had never witnessed speak a single religious utterance wonder if the ‘spiritual warfare’ they remembered from the church they long ago abandoned or had heard others talk about was in fact real. Was there something to it? I pray they continue to search for those answers because the last three years have only seen an acceleration in the powers at work in this world.
If you’ve followed me for any period of time, you may have noticed I am not one who is big on making predictions. I tried that a few times in my most panicked moments of 2020 and 2021, and they didn’t materialize. And thank God, because it was all doomsaying on my part. But I believe this coming year, 2024, could be a repeat of 2020. Whether that means the events and spirit surrounding it are better or worse, I can’t predict. But I’m sure everyone reading this has already considered that we could see a return to at least some of what we experienced in 2020.
There are reports of new COVID variants, but I don’t see them locking people down again. But the cultist masks have made a slight comeback, even in my outpost in the wilderness (albeit mostly within a certain demographic). And let’s face it, if the powers that be want violence in American streets again, they’ll invent a way to ensure that happens. And then there’s the presidential election. One in which we can’t even be sure the incumbent president or anyone currently running against him will win. Many of us think it could be someone not even in the race at the moment. The number of variables keeps us off balance, and that’s exactly what they want, in my opinion. Many of us recognize this and have accepted it.
Having already lived through the mayhem of 2020, my approach to 2024 will not be a repeat of my 2020 neurosis. If the inevitable violence I believe will happen materializes, I will pray for the safety of the innocent and just and ask God for the destruction of the wicked. Honestly, looking at that last sentence typed out, that will be my approach to everything: God, please protect the righteous and just, and destroy those who want to do us harm both bodily and spiritually. That doesn’t mean that you don’t do everything you can to protect those you love and have been commanded to protect, but intellect and reason only get you so far. The enemy has embraced intellect and reason and combined them with subjectivity. Maybe it’s time to consider another way forward—another arrow to add to your quiver. Maybe?
We're going to have a major crisis. Right now civil war and world war are in a race to see who gets to the finish line first. Selfishly, I know that world war is better for the homefront.
I'm worried that we all opened our eyes too late. Not that we could have prevented the crisis, but we would have been in a better position to influence a post crisis world order.
Thanks to the trump insanity, i fear that we're destined for a Blue Caesar.
Thank you, Pete. I needed these words this morning. God bless you and your wife.