You are making a difference, Pete. And we all truly appreciate what you are building, and one day, eventually leaving to all our descendants. God bless you!
Love it! I went on a camping trip recently. My young nephew and his friend came along, early twenties and recent college grads. I told them both to hurry up and get married, start pumping out kids. We need to repopulate society with like-minded people from our movement. Sure the trans mutilator and rainbow clown types won’t reproduce much, but that’s where the invaders come in to do the job for them. They looked at me like I had three heads but I hope it sinks in. 🙏🏻
I think having kids is great if you're able to provide for them and raise them properly. I think the key is to make as much money as possible so that you have the ability to have kids. When people say, "well they have 8 kids and they're poor" that isn't a flex - those kids are going to grow up to be disasters, most likely. It's best to build a really strong base and then have kids, IMO.
Chris, please understand I’m not singling you out by any means. You’re here, you’re commenting so you’re part of the club. But making financial excuses for not having kids is not the answer. What I’ve noticed is there were stats published here on local news in the last week in Georgia that a single person has to make $96k annually to support their kids/live comfortably, double for a couple (where is the breakdown?). Typical beat you down/scare us into not reproducing tactics. I get it, the ‘economy’ shit the bed and now nothing is affordable. I’m older and had just two kids late, and clearly the government is all about crushing us crackers (if I can call myself that, I’m Sicilian and you know what that means) into not reproducing. Fuck their narratives. I’ll eat ramen every day if I can raise two stalwarts of what an American should be. Not blind, idiotic patriots. Smart, thoughtful, prepared, constantly seeking truth and having perspective, either ready to fight or willing to bail on this sinking ship because I love them too much to have them die for our false American war narrative. We have a bail out plan. I won’t rest until they know the truth, and that they are ready. They are two beautiful children too innocent to know what this world has in store from them. I’ll eventually perish knowing I did my best. We need to sacrifice and stop making excuses. It is what God wants us to do. My regret is I didn’t wake up sooner. I should be a father of 8+ kids, driving a huge van and enjoying the fruit of my loins on a farm. Instead all I have is what I’m doing now and hoping others learn from my mistakes.
Yeah, pump out those kids...cost of living where I am in Maryland, infant care is $2,400 a month. After the first year it drops to the really low price of just $1,650. Imagine having two kids in daycare at the same time, it's just so affordable!
Both of those young guys have good bachelor’s degrees from Georgia. My nephew is looking toward medical school. He’s a prime candidate to actually be able to afford it. But I have two kids in daycare and no, it isn’t cheap. But the sacrifice of not blowing money on stupid crap to take care of them is totally worth it. Sure I could drive a Benz and live like I’m made of money, but that’s so damned empty I wouldn’t trade what I have for that.
There are more and more folks seeing patterns and noticing things. My boomer mother, my gen x brother in law, my millennial daughter, and my gen z nephew have all mentioned things. I have seen cycles of culture in my life and I believe the next one will be a glorious return to the natural order of moral and spiritual redirection towards a new future. You have done a great job in spreading the truth and it is not unnoticed. My family is closer together because of it. Thank you - I have a great hope for the future, I know it will be a difficult road but the destination is worth it. Keep up the great work and thank you.
You are making a difference, Pete. And we all truly appreciate what you are building, and one day, eventually leaving to all our descendants. God bless you!
James Lindsay blocked me too for pointing out his retarded faggotry
Hope you and Kelli have a most blessed Independence Day.
Love it! I went on a camping trip recently. My young nephew and his friend came along, early twenties and recent college grads. I told them both to hurry up and get married, start pumping out kids. We need to repopulate society with like-minded people from our movement. Sure the trans mutilator and rainbow clown types won’t reproduce much, but that’s where the invaders come in to do the job for them. They looked at me like I had three heads but I hope it sinks in. 🙏🏻
I think having kids is great if you're able to provide for them and raise them properly. I think the key is to make as much money as possible so that you have the ability to have kids. When people say, "well they have 8 kids and they're poor" that isn't a flex - those kids are going to grow up to be disasters, most likely. It's best to build a really strong base and then have kids, IMO.
Chris, please understand I’m not singling you out by any means. You’re here, you’re commenting so you’re part of the club. But making financial excuses for not having kids is not the answer. What I’ve noticed is there were stats published here on local news in the last week in Georgia that a single person has to make $96k annually to support their kids/live comfortably, double for a couple (where is the breakdown?). Typical beat you down/scare us into not reproducing tactics. I get it, the ‘economy’ shit the bed and now nothing is affordable. I’m older and had just two kids late, and clearly the government is all about crushing us crackers (if I can call myself that, I’m Sicilian and you know what that means) into not reproducing. Fuck their narratives. I’ll eat ramen every day if I can raise two stalwarts of what an American should be. Not blind, idiotic patriots. Smart, thoughtful, prepared, constantly seeking truth and having perspective, either ready to fight or willing to bail on this sinking ship because I love them too much to have them die for our false American war narrative. We have a bail out plan. I won’t rest until they know the truth, and that they are ready. They are two beautiful children too innocent to know what this world has in store from them. I’ll eventually perish knowing I did my best. We need to sacrifice and stop making excuses. It is what God wants us to do. My regret is I didn’t wake up sooner. I should be a father of 8+ kids, driving a huge van and enjoying the fruit of my loins on a farm. Instead all I have is what I’m doing now and hoping others learn from my mistakes.
Luckily my mom had 5 kids. This produced 7 grandchildren in total. So my mom was +5.0 and we were +0.7. Think about that.
Yeah, pump out those kids...cost of living where I am in Maryland, infant care is $2,400 a month. After the first year it drops to the really low price of just $1,650. Imagine having two kids in daycare at the same time, it's just so affordable!
Both of those young guys have good bachelor’s degrees from Georgia. My nephew is looking toward medical school. He’s a prime candidate to actually be able to afford it. But I have two kids in daycare and no, it isn’t cheap. But the sacrifice of not blowing money on stupid crap to take care of them is totally worth it. Sure I could drive a Benz and live like I’m made of money, but that’s so damned empty I wouldn’t trade what I have for that.
"Punch a Libertarian!" I'm in.
There are more and more folks seeing patterns and noticing things. My boomer mother, my gen x brother in law, my millennial daughter, and my gen z nephew have all mentioned things. I have seen cycles of culture in my life and I believe the next one will be a glorious return to the natural order of moral and spiritual redirection towards a new future. You have done a great job in spreading the truth and it is not unnoticed. My family is closer together because of it. Thank you - I have a great hope for the future, I know it will be a difficult road but the destination is worth it. Keep up the great work and thank you.
Thank you, Clay. That means a lot. More than you know.
This is what we need to hear. Thank you, Pete.
Also....if anybody in Western NC would like to collectivize over a beer, let me know.
There ya go. That's how it begins.
This is like the least blackpilling thing ever man and very much needed. Happy 4th to you and the wife!
Thank you, Logan. To your family as well.
You've done some great work over the years, Pete, and this is among your best.
Thank you!
*Democratically* Collectivize, Pete! C'mon!