A year ago, I would say “get the vax if you want just don’t make it mandatory.” After a year of people posting their pictures with their vax cards on social media and demonizing anyone who dared mention how Israel (now on their second booster) proved that the narrative not only kept changing but was always wrong, I’m at the “shut the fuck up about the stupid useless vax you dumb fuck” point!
I watched one of Tim Pools clips yesterday about it. Said it was interesting that she collapsed right after talking about Jesus loving her. He also Likened it to when the George Floyd mural in Ohio got struck by lighting and was destroyed. Awfully coincidental. Also glad you put comedienne in quotes when describing her.
I watched one of Tim Pools clips yesterday about it. Said it was interesting that she collapsed right after talking about Jesus loving her. He also Likened it to when the George Floyd mural in Ohio got struck by lighting and was destroyed. Awfully coincidental. Also glad you put comedienne in quotes when describing her.
Good things happen every once in awhile.
“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
- Mel Brooks
wow, she cracked her skull. scary stuff.
It's hard to watch