I'm not sure it will be possible to rid the LP of its hopeless membership who will stand in the way of any intelligent outreach or activities like a cold, wet moldy blanket. At the party convention on July 18, 2020, the delegates voted to nominate this person as their candidate for Michigan Supreme Court. Her claim to fame was that she was an "Indigenous" person. She did not feel the need to attend the convention. This is months into the Covid crisis and scandal. These are her answers to questions put forth in the League of Women Voters guide:


Website: http://votenepton.com

Occupation / Current Position: Lawyer at The Nepton Law Firm, PLLC

Education: University of Connecticut Thomas M. Cooley Law School

Nomination method: This candidate was nominated by the Libertarian party.

Question 1: Why are you running for the Michigan Supreme Court, and what educational, occupational, civic and community experiences have you had that particularly qualify you for this office?

As an unexpected candidate in almost every way; I am running for the ability to affect positive change across Michigan for generations. Bringing my unique world view to the Courts. My secondary goal in running is to bring awareness to the fact that in Michigan’s 183 years as a state we are only beginning to bring Indigenous people into the fold. I wonder how many Indigenous clerks there are across Michigan. I wonder how many Indigenous lawyers have the opportunity to take a job offering various opportunities instead of working blue collar jobs through school like I did. These aims are why I am running.

Question 2: Do you believe the current process for selecting Supreme Court Justices is the best path to fair and impartial representation – including how candidates are nominated for election or appointed for vacancies and how campaigns are funded and regulated? Please explain.

Although I believe money and politics should not intertwine, my only comment on Campaign Finance is that current Michigan law makes things appear as if those in power never considered that an Indigenous person would ever get as far as being on the ballot. And, justifiably, it has taken 183 years for Michigan to have their first ever Indigenous person Candidate for Supreme Court Justice. There are specific barriers to me, as a candidate, because of my race that are built into Michigan Law. Neighbors & sister tribes are restricted, for reference please see MCL 169.252, and MCL 169.254.


What, in your opinion, are the two greatest areas of need in the Michigan justice system, and how should the Supreme Court respond to them?

First, Michigan needs to reduce archaic laws. Just because the constitution overrules certain laws does not mean that Michigan should have these laws on the books. Next, Michigan has gotten too close to the “debtor’s prisons” of time long past. Our Founding Fathers set up a system so that we would never need to put people in jail for not being able to pay a bill. In Michigan numerous people are in jail for this very reason. This systemic problem influences society in many ways. The less able you are to pay a fine, the more likely that you have a criminal record because of debt owed to the state. This is unacceptable.

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That was awesome, Pete. Putting your voice to your words makes them more substantial, somehow. Maybe it's just me.

I gotta say that I'm so sick and tired of covid, masks, the 99.99% of the population that are statist capitulators. All that's doing is bumming me the fuck out because no matter how much we talk about it, nothing's going to change.

Covid didn't create these statists. They were already here, born and bred, generations of sleeper agents killing time until their purpose was triggered.

I don't totally see eye to eye with you on everything but I think you have the sense of it...which I interpret to be: politics IS corruption by its very nature. No LP government of any size will change that.

On that, we agree. Where we may differ, is that I'm not looking for perfection. Frankly, I would gladly settle for the honest, up front corruption of the 3rd world. Even the mob world. I think if the LP settled on taking over Texas or Georgia it would be better than what we have now.

The alternative is that it gets steadily (or suddenly) worse. I don't need a libertarian Utopia. At this point, I'm looking for slightly less of a Shitopia.

There can never be a truly Libertarian society. People aren't built to give a shit about other people. We're the same bald apes that were fucking each other over in the caves. Think Thanksgiving dinner.

We can't even sit at a fucking table for an hour without sticking knives into the eyes of friends and family. Strangers don't have a chance.

Nope. Give me a place where I'm mostly left alone, where I don't have to wear a mask or get stuck with needles...and where I don't have to spend a couple of hours chipping ice off of the sidewalk...and I'll be mostly content. I have most of that in Alberta for now, but the ice is a deal (and back) breaker.

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