lolberts too worried about their framework and ideological purity and they forgot all about their morals.

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Once you Ban drag queen story hour with 100 year prison sentences build hard labor camps to arrest all these fucking retarded LoLberts and throw them in there with the drag queens & Pedo’s.

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Turns out the “marketplace of ideas” is just a gay brothel that rents out kids by the hour. It should have been obvious sooner, given the Greek symbol for “agora” is a spiral triangle. Checkmate, libertarians.

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These people are intolerable.

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I saw this tweet on Twitter and responded to the guy. This is probably as autistic a take as you can get but then again it’s the job of Libertarians to consistently reach levels of autism that should not be possible. It’s the source of our greatest mental abilities and our worst social failings.

In this case the most charitable take I could give is that he was completely ignoring the social engineering at play, the massive global genocidal Cabal that’s using the grooming of kids to crack apart the remaining free young minds and turning them into permanent raped mind slaves, how the entire Epstein saga and Mossad (DING!) behind that fits into this, etc.

That and to the extent that you believe that certain practices like pedophilia, cannibalism, human sacrifice, Adrenochrome blah blah blah should be banned throughout the known universe, our ability to enforce said ban is always going to be a function of military force.

Military force works on a scaling logarithmic curve. If you attack a military base you’re attacking a concentrated area of hardened military power. If they’re trying to invade a place 10,000 miles away then they need massively expensive complex logistics to even be able to send a couple plane loads of troops let alone the massive divisions they’d need to establish total dominance.

You can only really enforce laws if you have total dominance over a space.

This is one of the real defining differences traditionally between industrialized nations and 3rd world ones but that difference has rapidly faded over the last couple decades. Many formerly 3rd world countries are becoming livable 2nd and even 1st world living standards while many formerly industrialized countries are now actively self sabotaging their infrastructure to turn themselves into 3rd world shitholes ASAP like California, Germany, etc.

In a functioning society laws make sense and they get enforced with such regularity that even thinking about breaking them doesn’t factor into the normal persons daily life. Indians spent over a half century knowing that the police were so corrupt they could routinely be bribed for everything from speeding tickets to murders. Americans spent that same time period largely never considering trying to bribe their way out of a speeding ticket although the way things are going the last 3 years now the police have become their own 3rd world clown car.

My long drawn out overly wrought circuitous point is there is a technical limit to how far you could impose a ban on something like drag queens for kids in various nations. You could impose it via the force generated from everything from economic sanctions all the way to nuclear weapons and everything else in between like cyber warfare, psychological warfare, low grade kinetic warfare, etc.

It is possible that the cost of banning this behavior outright on every place in America could result in a war that costs the lives of far more than it would be worth which is something I never really considered until now. Social engineering is a demon producing methodology at scale.

I genuinely don’t know how unhinged some of these lunatic leftists would be willing to take it but then again I simultaneously cannot tolerate existing in any power structure where these people have even an ounce of say over my life.

In any case that’s enough wall of text for now.

I hereby present my rambling genius wall of text where I jumped around several topics and wove it into a single thread which reminds me of Kanye West.

Btw after he walked off the Tim Pool set last night with Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopolous when Tim Pool kept interrupting him and trying to shut down his criticism of a certain tribe, if there was some way to get Kanye on your show or get your spicier videos in front of him somehow, I think the global red pilling that would occur would be monumental. Slim chance I know but then again I never expected Kanye West to be running for President in 2024 with Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopolous flanking him so you never know.

Keep up the great work looking forward to more great based interviews.

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> The LP should not be pandering to a moral panic stirred up by a movement that seeks to increase government control over private medical decisions.

This is a tweet about a post saying that sex change operations should be banned for children.

Another tweet in the same thread:

> The LP Platform clearly states that medical decisions should be in the hands of patients (or in the case of minors, the patient's parents).


> Any policy which allows Republicans to prohibit a medical treatment or procedure allows Democrats to mandate it.

The Democrats do that anyway. And prohibiting X doesn't allow people to mandate X. The law against murder doesn't mandate murder.

These people are evil and stupid.

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