Let me lay out what I see in the video.
I see a Regime Reporter (AKA mouthpiece) promoting the Regime's Narrative to a group of people who are having none of it. They know what their eyes saw. They know what they experienced firsthand.
The Regime Mouthpiece even repeats the Regime's lie that a Capitol police officer died during the event. The people on the panel quickly correct her.
Here's my question:
How can these two groups ever achieve unity? The Regime criminals promote lies and imprison people for walking through a building they unironically call “The People’s House.” On the other side are people refusing to accept these falsehoods and correcting the Regimist in real time.
How do you create unity between two groups who live in such different realities? Especially when one has the power to imprison and kill the others at will, and spins narratives that so many take as gospel?
There is no unity to be had. And anyone who says otherwise is a false prophet.
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