I am going to respond to this video like one of those reaction videos on YouTube. It was sent to me by Buck Johnson of the Counterflow Podcast who is running for City Council in Lockhart, Texas with an eye towards using Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s “What Must Be Done” strategy to fortify his local area from Federal overreach and to start privatizing State functions. You can donate to his campaign here. I have not watched the video, so the comments below are in "real time."
Enough with business, let’s see what kind of shit show Buck has hit me with.
OK, right from the beginning I see no problems. These people wish to help fund research into child sexual abuse protection. Ugh, I know what’s coming.
Here we go! Just looking at that panel I know I’m dealing with Leftists and I’m sorry, but the people who are openly promoting “child sexual abuse” are on the Left. Maybe they are starting to police themselves? :doubt:
Making “policy based on belief “is incorrect? I’m assuming this is an anti-Christian statement but I could be wrong.
Huh, appropriate use of Shelley's monster, no changing him. He was what he was, a monster. Can people who want to fuck kids change? Again, doubt.
“Stakeholders” not normally heard? Oh, OK. Sure, let’s consult “sex workers” and “Kinksters” (hookers and the BDSM community). Why? What’s the implication here?
Her “thing” when she encounters “minors in kink” is to tell them they need to wait until they’re 18 but she gives MINORS a book to learn more? She doesn’t ask them how they got into “kink” as minors? Isn’t this a program that is supposed to prevent child sexual abuse? She isn't even bothering to ask them who they’re doing this with?
FOSTA-SESTA didn’t censor speech. It made it harder for sex workers to conduct business online. It is not being used to shut down videos or blogs talking about sex work, or this video would not be on YouTube. Again, what are they implying by talking about this in the context of “child sexual abuse?”
Making abstinence a negative and trying to paint pornography as a positive is a direct attack on parents who would raise their children with their values. But these are people who wish to force THEIR values upon you, and I assume would seek State power in order to carry that out. Notice they use an old movie/show which paints conservative or religious values as “mean” or outdated.
What O’Brien is saying is that conservative or religious values have no place influencing law, only HIS Leftist values do.
A sex positive message about child sexual abuse prevention? Fuck right off!
And there it is: they want to protect children but not at the expense of insulting the people who would abuse and rape them. And they need the government to implement their programs and force it down our throats (no pun).
Go ahead, just ignore this. I’m sure it’s all a conspiracy theory and nothing here is violating the precious non-aggression principle, right?
I am so fucking done with this shit!
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