I am still convinced that the people who actually run the world, the hidden layer of elites above the media, governments and institutions who send down programming from above, know that the end result is population control. The street level progressive thinks it's about "rights" according to their insane college professors and the media they consume. So the people you interface with aren't thinking about population control, just what the programming says is the new fairness and equality.

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I agree that with MUCH of this shit, population control is its foundation

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Looking at the article about Paulo Fiere I saw this quote in the intro paragraph: "His influential work Pedagogy of the Oppressed is generally considered one of the foundational texts of the critical pedagogy movement, and was the third most cited book in the social sciences as of 2016 according to Google Scholar."

The THIRD MOST SITED BOOK IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES... I'm sure there's nothing to this CRAZY idea that they're coming for the kids...

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I was just talking about this sort of concept this morning. What they seek to do is "create" a facade that overlays the whole of reality, because, as the originators of this fiction, they "own" it and can steer it to meet their ends. When I was in college we watched "The Merchants of Cool" (a PBS production, probably worth a look if you're not familiar). It has been a long time, but my takeaway was that Mtv used this technique to become (probably) the largest cultural influencer of the 90's. This stuck with me and I've watched it steadily develop over the past two decades. Now ALL the corporate media and political puppets have mastered this art, and what we've got is a cesspool of nothing but soulless robots shoveling empty aspirations into the starving hearts and minds of the desperate masses.

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