I wonder if we're all still here in 2033 we'll look back at the stuff we focus on now and just kinda shake our heads.

I kniw that i think that 2013 Me is a gay retard.

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“Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, at least it’s an ethos!”

Sorry, had to be done.

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Pejorative, ad hominem attacks signal either the lack of ability to come up with a cogent response or the lack of desire to respond and risk having to possibly modify their belief structure based on new information. The people throwing "-ists" around are too dull or too entrenched in ideological purity to respond.

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I got this one from a prog acquaintance of mine once during a discussion in which I was knocking down all his prog fantasies and was a bit confused by it. That word, I don't think it means what you think it means. Just because your dumb ideas are unworkable in reality doesn't mean I'm somehow amoral.

It's childish more than anything else. I want a pony and I want it right now and if you don't give it to me I'm going to stamp my feet and call you names and hold my breath.

Yep, this is me, learned. My feelings, deeply hurt.

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Interesting. I haven't been hearing/seeing "nihilst" thrown around much. My first thought is 'I thought the Left embraced nihilism? Is this just another example of projecting your own evils on your enemy? But how does that work when they see it as a virtue?' But then I realized this attack is (almost certainly) coming from the Libertarian/Conservative side.

So, this is their flimsy, childish, version of "identity politics" coming into play. Pathetic, even if you consider that a valid strategy. The Left knows you have to position yourself as the victim when you apply labels to your enemies. That's why "racist" and "fascist" got so much mileage. You've got to play on people's emotions and fears. "Nihilist" (while maybe a little spooky) is basically just saying you're personally not great. It may be exclusionary, but it's not overtly implied that your thoughts are causing harm to them. How can you pass a law to make "not caring about stuff" a felony?! I guess it's only a half-step away from "anti-social", so maybe they'll be able to get you on psychological grounds instead of legal...

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