Voting may be “violence”, but not voting when you have a chance to make obvious improvements is greater violence

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I feel this, Pete. I had the same mentality. When you get right down to it, a lot of libertarian beliefs seem to just be ways of avoiding responsibility to current and future generations. I don’t claim to have all the answers now--nobody does--but community and responsibility are key moving forward. Ideologies are just ways of not dealing with reality and feeling the smug satisfaction that you have all the answers.

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I agree with your point about excuses to avoid responsibility. It seems a lot of hardcore libertarians preach the “just leave me alone” principle so they can do nothing with themselves and not feel bad about it. This is so ridiculous and misguided. One HAS to have a stake in their community to make it the type of community they want, that takes effort, not theoretical pontificating

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I understand, Pete. I voted. In some races, my options were stupid Republican establishment candidates, so I did write ins.

But I did vote for our state's secretary of education, and the conservative Christian won. She is the only candidate I liked: an anti-CRT, anti-grooming conservative. Who is new to the education system. And her victory pissed the teachers off.

That feels good, I admit it.

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Hell yeah!!

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Wow, excellent! Can i ask which state you are in? Im in ohio and despite Ohio going Red 3 extremely liberal candidates were elected to the state education board or whatever it is. Not good.

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South Carolina @Sarah

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This is the same mentality I had even recently (prior to the pandemic when enemies made it beyond clear who they were and what they would do). Even now it can be tempting to slide back into those traps. However, the fact of the matter is that no amount of intellectual flair and grandstanding will negate the following: abstention from voting creates no benefit.

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I felt the same way Pete and could be a total lol-bert about it at times. Deep in my mind though, I knew there was a time to show up at the polls. 2020 solidified that. I also found local elections to be of greater concern. I see tons of right of center Pennsylvanians crying today that they got another D gov and a bald sasquatch with a trust fund for one of their Senators. They fail to see that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is actually ripe for the Hoppean taking since it utilizes a township and borough system (smaller than counties) across the state.

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Do it!!!!

Let me know if I can help

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I felt similar things when I was younger but more out of an immature idea that a candidate had to fit ALL my principles and ideas, which of course no one did. I always found reasons to not vote for someone. After maturing a few years I realized I was doing this more because it was an inconvenience to learn the issues, keep track of candidates, and take the actual time to go vote. I just wanted an excuse to not deal with it all. I snapped out of it and realized that no one in any capacity or position will agree with all your ideas, that's not the point. This is how marriages, friendships, and every other type of relationship works and all those take time and investment. Why should this be any different? Politics is just a relationship on a broad community scale and that too takes some time and investment but it's worth the return to build the community you want to live in so, as I might say to my younger self, quit whining about someone's lack of perfection and then turning around and bitching about the problems in your own community when you had the chance to do something to effect it.

I'm seeing a lot of the outcome of this now living in a very rural part of a generally blue county in Ohio where we went hard red for almost everything with a few county level democrats, your say so matters so don't waste it

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“VoTinG eQuaLs COnsEnT” --Me

I’m as guilty as anyone on this... and now they’re gleefully creating Frankenkids and laughing in our faces. We fucked up. This current virus should have been killed in the crib.

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The agorist memes I keep seeing on Twitter about voting is one of the most cringe parts of the Internet.

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Just anti-intellectual crap

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I don't have anywhere else to put this bc im banned everywhere. This midterm proves that national politics are completely changed from what we used to know.

Obama getting killed in midterms while being more competent and more popular than Biden could ever hope to be was a result of one base being content and the other base being fucking pissed.

Our elites have managed, either by design or by being awful, to keep both sides perpetually pissed. Both sides are always engaged and both sides hate each other enough to pull the lever for people like fetterman and walker.

National politics were an unlikely solution to our problems before, in this environment they are only going to lead us to civil war. Things are much worse than I previously thought and Paul Farenheid (sp?) Is starting to look like a prophet

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We are at a crossroads and many libertarians still think it's a game

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Pete, making absurd statements in one’s youth and then calling them out later in life shows humility, growth, and wisdom attained.

I 100% agree your local/state elections are what matter most. In WI, the Republican establishment coaxed an unenthusiastic businessman into the the race (Tim Michaels). His late entry, to me, felt very “managerial state” like. The legislature being fully conservative controlled (but not quite enough to override veto powers) is being blocked from implementing more freedom focused bills/removing old legislation and the like. Certainly not perfect but much better than a Soros backed stooge (Soros spent >$2mm in our state!)

Going more hyper local, thankfully we elected quality candidates who were sick of lack of action and will be better representation overall.

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As the collapse accelerates targeting and taking over control of the most local and county forms of government may be the only way to buy time before civil order truly starts to break down.

Controlling local sheriffs offices especially is key because that’s how you can declare 2A Sanctuary, deputize local militias, etc. and controlling the school board gives you far more power in terms of pushing in favor of school choice legislation, firing Marxists, getting groomers arrested, etc.

De Facto soft secession will happen within the next 6-12 months as things get much worse but it’ll start with a couple dozen small counties before blossoming into 100’s across the country. The federal incompetence alone will simply allow for the power vacuum to emerge that’ll necessitate it.

If Feds don’t want to do border control during an invasion, then states and even counties will. Same goes for promoting local farmers as the food supply chain is collapsing. There’s no need for USDA, FDA, OSHA, etc. to harass local farmers and they simply won’t be able to if the Feds get arrested by the Sheriff, same goes for ATF, DEA, FBI, the whole alphabet soup.

Same also especially goes for sending money overseas or even to Washington D.C. itself. You will absolutely see some counties and eventually states adopting crypto like Bitcoin just like El Salvador did as a means of disconnecting from this insane parasitic demonic financial system.

Wyoming already seems to be well along this curve. Texas will likely follow suit because Texas itself is attempting a Secession bill in 2023.

All that said I have zero clue what the future holds. Maybe the next 3-6 months is more rapid degradation as we’ve come to expect over the last year. Maybe it’ll be WWIII by next summer. Maybe on November 15th Trump’s big announcement is Gitmo Military Tribunals because he’s actually Q+.

In any case I’m sure the next 6 weeks as the year ends will be absolutely stupider than the last 6 weeks as part of the acceleration includes logarithmically stupider happenings. Who knows.

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I liked this piece from gato and find a lot of truth in it as he talks about some of the wins and losses from Tuesday. Thought some of you might enjoy https://open.substack.com/pub/boriquagato/p/you-cant-beat-something-with-nothing?r=s36c5&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Nov 10, 2022Edited
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Paul, we share a very similar arc, timeline, and location (IN-6). LPIN of the time being mainly Birchers doesn’t surprise me around here. Today, they’d almost certainly try to remove or censure you for even being JBS adjacent. I’m also fascinated by the pattern produced. The Liberty movement to anti-communist/anti-progressive nationalist pipeline is real. Even more interesting is the spiritual movement toward the Christ, Logos, and tradition. I’m curious to know how “churched” you were as a youth?

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