thanks Pete, as McKenna simply said

“The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level of alienation”

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That's a good one

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My wife needed this reminder a couple weeks ago, but I didn't realize until i read this that I needed the reminder, too.

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no, no, no it was always like that, only difference is now we can see it EVERYWHERE!! Because it is so obvious. Prior to the "vid" you had to test people, get to know them a little and explore personalities in a wide array of fields and events to determine insane, stupid, illiterate, and all "others". There was always a doubt in your mind and you labeled it "unusual"...... This is a great unifier. You actually discovered that only a very small percentage of people reads beyond the headline of a photograph. Most folks have serious cognitive impairiments. Their auditory skills are below poor and comprention is proportionally dependant from the type of image they view and understand. The highest academia ranks have suddenly fallen to third grade school levels.

They are all under mass hypnosis. It seem to be involving a good 70% of the populace.....and there is nothing we can do unless we reverse the hypnosis with another one.

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One on one convincing and evidence can work, but we're talking about jihadists. And they're mobilized. There is no breaking the spell; that's a movie. There is only community and family. Drag the ones that won't murder you along by taking local institutions and save the children. School boards and mayors/sheriff office. That's the only way.

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I agree.

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“Condition of dad could have been worst if he wasn’t vaccinated.”

Ahh yes of course. He “could” be extra dead! 🤡

This is an important message for us all, especially if your surrounded by bullshit daily.

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Thank you!

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Any advice on how to quickly build up enough worker solidarity to successfully organize strikes or protests business by business?

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How about taking the lead and having a message that draws in others like, "in organizing this we have one agenda and that is make sure that a needle is never stuck in an arm that doesn't want it." Then see how people respond.

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I think I asked that the wrong way. My wife is the one that actually works with people, and is trying to build up some sort of organized resistance. The problem she's running into is that so many people are just apathetic to it. They don't want the jab, but they also don't want to and can't financially afford to risk their job.

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**thumbs up to your wife**

The best non violent resistance is mass disobedience.

Anything else is going to require people to rethink their lives. How do people rethink their lives if they do not have CLEARITY of the situation in the past, present and ahead?

Because there has to be awarness of a situation that was created by a decaying system the same folks who do not want the jab still fully support.

People hate to get out of their comfort zone and that reason is why this narrative keeps going full steam.

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At the risk of outing myself as an idiot. Are you basically saying that her coworkers need to be made to understand the gravity of the situation they are in before they will be willing to consider taking the risk of open disobedience?

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Yes. It is a matter of surviving and maintaining our identity as human specie I know we will ALL be in the same situation...soon or later. I tell my husband that at one point his 401K might be "locked" or we might be rejected from the ER , or we might not be able to buy food because we are not allowed in store. He still thinks it would be going too far...but you know what is strange that a month ago he realized his work requires the shot. He told me "this is so depressing...." 18 months later... he changed his mind about many things he thought they would never happen.

Any organized resistance has to be taken to the extreme because our goal should be eradication of same system and perpetrators who did this to us. These psychopaths have a goal.

The governament of the world nations waged wars on their own citizens not the other way around. :(

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You're right. I didn't need to hear this, but the reassurance is much appreciated as society continues to spiral into madness. Thanks Pete.

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My grandmother called me a "fascesees"... she's been watching CNN.

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