Spent better part of two hours at Handy Fest talking down my extremely blackpilled supervisor who’s been all the way in the weeds on details of the shooting and been on edge the last two weeks.

Broader picture outlined. White pills dispensed. 🤙🏻

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I must be nuts but I always think having solid information about the reality we face is actually a huge white pill. Uncertainty is no fun. Trump looks hard to beat because he’s backed by people that see Harris as a disaster in waiting, but still anything can happen and that’s been proven by the last couple weeks. I’m just focusing on me, my health, my family, and minimizing debt. I always go back to the ‘keep it simple stupid’ message- work on what I can control and learn to not flip out on things that I can’t.

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Total Libtard Humiliation.

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I'm 65% Whitepilled, 35% Black. Rarely discuss blackpills other than in my inner circle but I'm hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Every since I stopped drinking (one or two times a week) and edibles I've been progressively getting white pilled.

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I am not blackpilled, am fairly detached from national politics, and welcome marginal improvement. But, I do like to see ideologues I agree with screeching, like the groypers. Maybe they will raise up their own elites in the decades to come.

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That has to start now. My biggest criticism of them is that they have no replacement for Nick if God forbid something were to happen to him. If they're not raising a successor, they're not raising elites.

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“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

― Henry Ford

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First, alcohol is a depressant. Leaves you susceptible to being blackpilled. I gave up alcohol 26 years ago. Only vice I have left is coffee. 🙃 Second, at my age waking up is a white pill. Third, the evil that we face can't succeed. Full stop. Truth matters.

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I’ll delete some of my blackpill political meme posts on Facebook.

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Such an important topic. I'm currently talking with two very smart friends of mine who are already j-pilled, yet also a bit black pilled. Is it possible to convert them?

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Of course. I find that most people who are black-pilled are just stuck in an ideology spiral.

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Where can we find that conversation with Tom Luongo?

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You have to wait for him to release it

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