Also, I can't help but think there's a charade here...likely that MSM is keeping this in the cycle as a "see, I told you all right wingers were bigoted nut jobs" type thing in my opinion. Then again this all feels a little 'Andy Kaufman' level trolling from Kanye...
BAP made this same exact cogent point on Caribbean Rhythms. He’d also be a fantastic guest for sure.
The idea that the entire Kanye asking the JQ possibly being a psyop is something to be aware of despite this rapidly cracking open the Overton Window in the short term.
Btw thanks Pete for being brave enough to ask dangerous questions about Pattern Recognition because that’s all that our brains neurons and neural networks are designed to do.
Modernity is a war on Pattern Recognition of all sorts hence why Political Corrctness is a cancer of the mind.
I have radiation sickness from reading about it. Anyone not overtly calling this out as a psy-op is in on it, as extremely fucking hard as that is for me to say. Take note of who is happy over this. They are already compiling lists. You don’t go from “Leave the LP to get serious” to “I love Hitler” without some sort of arrangements being made
Even if he’s right, how is that different than libertarians and the Fed? Wasn’t the point of ditching the LP to “get serious”? There’s absolutely nothing serious about Kanye or anyone saying this is a victory. Im disappointed beyond believe, scared to think how many feds I’ve interacted with, and am adjusting accordingly
Regardless if Ye and the JQ is or isn’t an intentional op, this will be used as an op. That’s the historical Clintonmachine pattern. This is already a splinter tactic for the left and its being amplified, maybe for other purposes, but certainly for the purposes of splintering right wing coalescence. We can safely assume that. After J6 I think it’s safe to assume some data collection is underway concerning charged rhetoric around the JQ. As far as surface level politicking goes, they want to draw a line from Charlottesville through maga to present day antizionist group/event/narrative/whatever they can muster or create. Good people on both sides is worn thin. As it stands, I think the answer lies in adapting their tactics and splintering the JQ discussion, carving it away from these tools of the system like Ye and Milo, and looking for ways to platform serious people. Maybe Richman will do something if approached by the right person. Kim dotcom and company kinda made a bit of history in Twitter spaces discussing the Twitter files. No one can stop someone prominent on Twitter from putting Ryan Dawson in front of their microphone for the world to hear.
Getting Ryan Dawson to talk to Kanye West now that would be the flashpoint to something reality altering. It’s not as crazy as you’d think I mean the guy was just with Milo Yiannopolous and Nick Fuentes.
Compared to those two, Ryan Dawson is Walter Fucking Kronkite or Gore Vidal in terms of how erudite he is and the level the depth to which he comprehends it all and is able to lay it back to us in the simplest terms possible which is admittedly because it’s an incredibly complex topic still takes some time to lay out the backstory before you can reasonably understand it from top to bottom.
I think given how insane the current moment is politically it may well be worth it to do whatever we can to meme this into reality.
EMJ is out in full force recently. He’ll shout into any microphone with one or more listeners if it’s a chance to rant on the Jewish revolutionary spirit.
Also, I can't help but think there's a charade here...likely that MSM is keeping this in the cycle as a "see, I told you all right wingers were bigoted nut jobs" type thing in my opinion. Then again this all feels a little 'Andy Kaufman' level trolling from Kanye...
BAP made this same exact cogent point on Caribbean Rhythms. He’d also be a fantastic guest for sure.
The idea that the entire Kanye asking the JQ possibly being a psyop is something to be aware of despite this rapidly cracking open the Overton Window in the short term.
Btw thanks Pete for being brave enough to ask dangerous questions about Pattern Recognition because that’s all that our brains neurons and neural networks are designed to do.
Modernity is a war on Pattern Recognition of all sorts hence why Political Corrctness is a cancer of the mind.
I have radiation sickness from reading about it. Anyone not overtly calling this out as a psy-op is in on it, as extremely fucking hard as that is for me to say. Take note of who is happy over this. They are already compiling lists. You don’t go from “Leave the LP to get serious” to “I love Hitler” without some sort of arrangements being made
Even if he’s right, how is that different than libertarians and the Fed? Wasn’t the point of ditching the LP to “get serious”? There’s absolutely nothing serious about Kanye or anyone saying this is a victory. Im disappointed beyond believe, scared to think how many feds I’ve interacted with, and am adjusting accordingly
Regardless if Ye and the JQ is or isn’t an intentional op, this will be used as an op. That’s the historical Clintonmachine pattern. This is already a splinter tactic for the left and its being amplified, maybe for other purposes, but certainly for the purposes of splintering right wing coalescence. We can safely assume that. After J6 I think it’s safe to assume some data collection is underway concerning charged rhetoric around the JQ. As far as surface level politicking goes, they want to draw a line from Charlottesville through maga to present day antizionist group/event/narrative/whatever they can muster or create. Good people on both sides is worn thin. As it stands, I think the answer lies in adapting their tactics and splintering the JQ discussion, carving it away from these tools of the system like Ye and Milo, and looking for ways to platform serious people. Maybe Richman will do something if approached by the right person. Kim dotcom and company kinda made a bit of history in Twitter spaces discussing the Twitter files. No one can stop someone prominent on Twitter from putting Ryan Dawson in front of their microphone for the world to hear.
Getting Ryan Dawson to talk to Kanye West now that would be the flashpoint to something reality altering. It’s not as crazy as you’d think I mean the guy was just with Milo Yiannopolous and Nick Fuentes.
Compared to those two, Ryan Dawson is Walter Fucking Kronkite or Gore Vidal in terms of how erudite he is and the level the depth to which he comprehends it all and is able to lay it back to us in the simplest terms possible which is admittedly because it’s an incredibly complex topic still takes some time to lay out the backstory before you can reasonably understand it from top to bottom.
I think given how insane the current moment is politically it may well be worth it to do whatever we can to meme this into reality.
EMJ is out in full force recently. He’ll shout into any microphone with one or more listeners if it’s a chance to rant on the Jewish revolutionary spirit.
Well said
Well said