For those unaware, one of the most disgraceful state Libertarian Parties WAS the Nevada contingent. Their Twitter account was an ode to woke-leftism in which war was barely mentioned, but “Trans-Rights” and anti-Mises Caucus (MC) rhetoric was prevalent. However, due to boots-on-the-ground activism, that party was purged of that cancerous influence this past weekend, with every elected office filled by someone from the MC. The new Chair of the Nevada Libertarian Party (LP), Charles Melchin, was elected overwhelmingly in a three-way race, 62-18-18. That’s what I call a slaughter.
With the MC successfully mobilizing to “take over” (I don’t care who hates that term) the most vile of state parties, the question is now what should be done next? With that kind of power being rallied, what do you do with that power? In my opinion, this takeover is evidence that after the Reno convention in 2022, the Mises Caucus will dominate the elected positions in the national party. This is where the “nice people” may disagree with me.
Plans need to be drawn up now as to how the MC and their friends can centralize all party power to themselves. If the party is to have that pure, “Ron Paul liberty message” again, there should be no inter-party obstacles standing in the way. Everyone from the social media team down to the at-large members should be vetted to make sure that they are on board with the caucus’ message and goals. And yes, I am including even those who have been MC from the get-go. Politics is power, and if you wish to succeed the ship must be run as tight as possible. Look at the national party as it is now and see what fruit has been borne by not having that attitude.
Those who are excited about the future of the MC, and their growing influence, should be champing at the bit and asking questions about what a MC-led national LP would look like. They should be on-board with making sure that the past influences, the ones that have done nothing but make libertarians want nothing to do with the LP, are of no consequence once the MC regime is properly in place. And the only way this happens is by adopting a good, ole Machiavellian attitude when it comes to power. Whether one wants to hear it or not, political parties are about power and the centralization of it. The “libertarian” that has a problem with that is either living in the fantasyland of Ancapistan that exists in their head, or one who sees their current power about to be taken from them. To the first I say, good luck. To the second I say, do better, or get used to life on the sidelines.
Lesbian Kyle Rittenhouse today said "Libertarianism is inherently culturally progressive."
Well, if that's what these progressive "Libertarians" believe I have no moral inhibitions physically removing these frauds from their political home, but I suppose less brutish tactics are also fine.
As Benjamin Tucker once said, "The Anarchists believe in liberty both as an end and means, and are hostile to anything that antagonizes it."
Now, I'm unsure what B. Tucker meant by hostile or what that implies, so I suppose I'll have to fill in the gap with some silicon Machiavellian caulk. I'm a paradoxical thinker like Proudhon anyway, and I can pretty much convince myself that what I'm doing is right, especially when it comes to progressives.
Internal Focus: by-laws and rule changes to make it harder for another entity to do what the LPMC has done/is doing. Pretty quick ascent, you aren't going to want that avenue for eventual challengers. External Focus: Building power in info, econ, and physical domains via networking and diplomacy to wield in and out of politics. As far as I understand it, the LP has little actual power over policy at the moment, so it has to command indirect influence at best, other than an anecdotal sweep occurring at some city council + mayor race. Otherwise, after occupying LP National and the states the LPMC is just now entering the real arena............How fun is that! Watch out it is filled with snake oiled salesmen. I believe they are card carrying members of the duopoly. Good luck out there comrades!