Something you mentioned in the podcast with Kerry last week seems like a good base to address a few of the questions presented. You were disturbed that a lot of conservatives were eager to send their kids back to the schools that were going to turn their kids into nice progressives, cause them to hate their parents, and try to load them on boxcars 10-15 years from now. Before specific solutions are offered, people have to internalize that clamoring for the creature comforts of 2019 is like spending a fortune to repair an old car that never ran well or going back to the guy who beat you. This is a time to be more aware of choices. It’s a time to, dare I say, get excited about new realities like unschooled offspring.

I think libertarians should keep in mind two famous maxims, Howard Zinn’s You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train and Karl Rove’s We’re History’s Actors. Sending your kids to public schools or wearing masks to appease the covid cultists seems like it’s neutral, but it’s not. Anybody know the “orphans on boxcars” history? Put yourself in the minds of someone who would hatch such a scheme. There’s a breed of people living amongst us who think like that. Why should they have all the fun?

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The dichotomy is what they want, because they win either way. I am not sure how, but the false choice between totalitarianism delivered through the global elites and expert classes and nationalism delivered by a subset of the same cretins is no choice at all. Their is a coalescing of forces that pushing back on these notions, but without any cooperation between sectors and groups. Common allies against both choices whether or not they have passed the purity tests put in place by status seekers of a movement trying to maintain their control. We have to change the dividing lines so soft fascism is on the same side as totalitarian, global utilitarian psychopaths who love their numbers too much. After this week in the market, the rebel scum are making themselves known and sending a message, which is encouraging, but still too fractured to generate enough power to make the necessary dents. I am not sure how any of it is accomplished without some serious political disruption to push the very idea of the underlying frame of the constitution into the negotiating sphere. Push power more local, you may create local totalitarians, but at least you are close enough to kick 'em. Maybe there is daylight there, but for now, everyone looks to be into their corner trying to convince everyone to be as "pure" as they in a given ideology. Can't we agree that separate ideologies can coexist under a framework of liberty that enables decentralization of current power centers of gravity? Unsure, but the peasants are pissed, and they are lashing out wherever they can, some productive, some not, but each exposing where the line actually is between the people and those who consider themselves gods/overlords. The white pill is believing their systems days are numbered. Only way to change things is action, so I hope I see a lot more folks like yourself demanding radicalization from so called "protectors" and push back against the oligarchs who have delivered us this fragile network of systems crumbling before our eyes. What choice do we have?

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The LPNational should be hammering home all the major red pills of the last year while fresh in everyone's minds. Lockdowns, blatant media corruption, even showing how we all just united against the elite with the damn stock market, more valuable than the financial gains is the red pill of not just stock market corruption and market manipulation but the truly insane power of the people when everyone is working together on the same page and for the first time in a long time all focused against one of the largest enemies of liberty and individual prosperity, the financial institutions. Im not sure the populous really is understanding what is happening and the absolute unstoppable power they are wielding only being a few million people strong, imagine 80-90% of the country on a unified front.

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