Allow me to comment point by point -
No one gives a fuck if you don’t support this bill. You are an employee. You take orders and follow rules in exchange for a paycheck. That’s all. Your ideology means fuck all!
You actually read it? So that’s one of you!
The LGBTQ+LMNOP community has nothing to do with your fucking job. Just get back to your already terrible indoctrinating of kids into good, little government drones.
Yes, kids as young as three and four know the difference between a boy and a girl, and a male and a female. Considering themselves anything other than those was put there by someone else. AND, if the parent wants to put something else in their head, that’s their prerogative. I don’t like it but at least it wasn’t an employee who is tasked to educate them on a specific curriculum that is absent of this gender bullshit.
Heterosexuality is why mankind continues. A male copulates with a female, an egg is fertilized, a child is created, it is male or female. This has happened throughout the history of mankind and it’s why we’re still here. This is part of the depopulation agenda, IMO. If people aren’t having children, well?
Could it be any more obvious she hates normal people? I personally refuse to say “straight” because that’s propaganda. Male/female is the norm. I know we have been brainwashed but we need to start calling things what they are. THEY do it! Didn’t xir use the term “queer?” The definition of queer is “strange.” I’m sorry, I’m just going by their terms.
Choosing to wait till past the third grade to teach kids their agenda is “internalized homophobia” and “transphobia?” In what world other than the one they’re pushing upon you does that make sense. And again, why is it zir’s job to do it. THAT’S the issue here. They don’t want YOU teaching their children these things, THEY want to do it. Maybe you need to start taking it personal.
They’re not “way more accepting than adults” when it comes to these topics, they’re way more PROGRAMMABLE. THEY KNOW THIS!
“Child development appropriate” and “age appropriate” are two things I like to call opinions. You’re a school teacher, teach what the fucking the people who sign your check tell you to or fuck right off!
You already “other” yourself by inventing new terms that you have to force down people’s throats via the monopoly on violence.
Just fuck off already!
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