When I examine the economy of the nation I live in, where wage increases have stagnated since the 1970s, I have to wonder, Who would do this?
When I look outside of the United States at countries with Gothic cathedrals and structures built by men who not only wanted to glorify God but made it so that the public could daily gaze upon monuments of awe and beauty, and then consider the skyline of the average American city, which looks like something out of a dystopian novel—cold, brutal, and in most cases a tribute to those who you can point to being responsible for the aforementioned wage stagnation—I ask myself, Who would do this?
As I look at forced immigration—even around the world—and watch the violence directed at native populations in the name of “justice and diversity,” I ask myself, Who would do this?
While I ask the question, “Who would do this?” I also have to ask, Why are we allowing this to happen? Will people who cherish the true, the good, and the beautiful let it all crumble because of ideology or belief? Why? Why are people allowing themselves to be run roughshod over by freaks and weirdos? Has it always been this way?
In the long term Merchants (actual merchants that's not a dog whistle) aren't fit to rule. The energy has been around for quite a long time to change this order but through the world wars it has continued lifetimes past it's expiration date. It doesn't have to be this way but the class of people who benefit from this old order continue to keep it on life support as things degenerate further and further which in itself is proof they aren't fit to rule.
The self appointed nature of government rule runs extremely deep, and with the power of the corporate press they can show you daily what happens when you challenge it. Therefore "leaders" who see more power at the end of destroying a culture and society than leaving it be are happy to import the destruction.
It's horrible.
The first move would be to somehow overthrow or overtake the state that makes up the rules as it goes along, and obviously people are not seeing that as a viable action...yet.
My best hope is in "yet."