The first thing that must be addressed is the concept of “We” in the title. If this concept of “We” (vs. “individualism”) bothers you, you are on the wrong Substack. There are plenty of Substacks and podcasts promoting “individualism,” just throw a dart and you’ll hit one (or 50). I have come to realize that believing in individualism for so many years set me back not only in my thinking, but in my strategy for attaining certain goals. Undoubtedly, there are people out there who can run off into the woods and live by themselves for the rest of their lives and, if that’s what they WANT, that’s fine. But “We” don’t WANT to live like that. And for those that do, I would argue they have probably been indoctrinated against the concept of “We.”
As an aside, I feel as if I must revisit one subject: if you are in a city, especially a Blue city, you’re toast. I will argue that the only thing that may save you if you think like “We” do, is being wealthy enough to buy your way out of anything. But you will need to hide your core beliefs from those around you. Wealth means little if you are digitally de-personed in a city. Being de-personed in a rural area is hard enough, in a city you’re fucked.
So, who are “We”? We are those who realize that the people in power have perverted and inverted everything natural and Godly. “We” know that the only way to get past this is to build our own enclaves that reflect what “We” want to see in society. “We” are also not concerned with naysayers who immediately invoke Ruby Ridge and Waco when you mention localism. They can continue to make excuses for not doing anything to improve their section of the world while we beat back the inverse and perverse.
“We” are the people who realize that voting in national elections will not remove, or even inhibit, the inverse and perverse. Good people who think like “We” do may get elected to national offices, but “We” know what they are up against and are not fooling ourselves. “We” are not the kind of people who invoke fanciful bumper sticker slogans like “just end public schooling.” “We” know that’s not going anywhere and would rather take over our local school board and change the way it functions. In the meantime,we need to make sure those who have children are provided homeschooling support, so those kids don’t have to be subjected to State indoctrination into the Globohomo worldview.
“We” must accept that going forward in our fight, we must judge people as friends or enemies. I believe most of you are at the point that you know what I’m talking about. “We” no longer live in a time of “live and let live.” More and more, people have chosen sides. People you didn’t believe would fall for COVID tyranny not only fell for it but embraced it and became unyielding soldiers for it. We should learn from them in order to become soldiers for what “we” want. Again, there is no individualist ideology or theory that is going to get us past the attack on the Natural Order we all know is happening. “We” must do it together. The concept of “We” is the starting point. Anyone looking to reject the concept of “We” is not your friend.
"I have come to realize that believing in individualism for so many years set me back not only in my thinking, but in my strategy for attaining certain goals."
I think we all feel that way. Time to shed the 'I' and move collectively forward.
"People you didn’t believe would fall for COVID tyranny not only fell for it but embraced it and became unyielding soldiers for it." Of everything that has happened over the past few years, this was the blackest pill of them all, albeit a necessary one to swallow. It's much easier to spot the enemy when they have their distinction strapped to their fucking face.