Where is Hope in a Time of Chaos?
I expect we have all reached the point where we realize that calling out enemies when they speak and act in contradictory ways isn’t going to get them to come over to your side or cease their advocacy of harmful policies. I have had private conversations with people and caught them in blatant contradictions. Not only do these people not care, they don’t see the contradiction. Or pretend not to. Either way, I don’t know if that makes them a true believer or a moron. The only fruitful thing to come out of these conversations was the realization on my part that there is no conversation to be had with them. So we either separate from them or prepare for when things will eventually come to a head. I believe we’ve already witnessed the beginning of the latter with regard to the Nashvilee shooting at Covenant School and the thwarted attacks in Colorado Springs.
This then raises the questions: What are we supposed to do? How do we prepare ourselves? The simple answer is, that’s up to you. Everyone’s situation is different. Some of you are single; some are married with children; some live in the city or suburbs; others are rural. But by this point, I would hope all of you have short- and long-term plans when it comes to the current political and cultural climate in which we find ourselves. In my opinion, things will only get worse before they get better, but I am optimistic that our political and cultural situation will improve. It’s just not going to improve any time soon. So you must plan.
I know I’m starting to sound like "Broken-Record Pete" here, but if you are in or near a city that is controlled by the left—and that’s most of them—get as far away as you can. I have mentioned before the benefits of making your income mobile, which is extremely helpful when it comes to being able to abandon cities. I understand some will want their domicile to be as remote as possible but still close enough to commute into cities for their vocation. If there is a chance you can work from home, do it as that is an ideal situation. Being more rural when it comes to your home keeps the roving mobs (remember 2020?) away from you and also offers the chance to not only have more direct access when it comes to food distribution (something lacking in cities that rely on rural areas for their food), but also allows you to start growing your own food or owning animals for meat.
If you have already made the move to a rural area, have you made connections with locals who sell their crops or livestock so that you don’t have to rely on supply routes that could potentially be compromised? Better yet, have you started your own garden or looked into chickens or other animal food sources? I am currently in the process of moving from a small town, relative to the big city I used to live in, to a rural hamlet. And yes, everything I’ve suggested above is in the works for my wife and me.
Do I hope and pray that none of us have to solely rely upon the suggestions I’ve made above? Of course. But we’ve tried huge local political polities and they haven’t worked for us. When you combine multiculturalism with people living on top of each other being ruled over by people motivated by egalitarianism and progressive delusions, those of us who desire real community with like-minded folk must abandon that paradigm and create our own. Create what comes next while pushing through what we have now. Not only do I believe following this path will help in the short term, but I also believe in the long term—for times when things improve—it will be because intelligent people who want to see a better future embrace localism and radical decentralization. I can’t see any other way to mitigate the insanity that is being forced upon us by the federal and some state governments. It’s a cliche, but it really is up to us. Because if not us, who?