If you haven’t figured it out by now, I don’t give a fuck about being “accepted.” Not by libertarians, not by anarchists, not by agorists, and especially not by the Cathedral and their operatives and lackeys. If you want to demolish the monopoly’s power over landmasses and watch them crumble, I’m willing to talk to you. We may even realize we are on the same page and form an alliance. To you, I welcome your critiques and the back and forth on ideas and strategies. However, if you’re too chickenshit to be seen as “radical” by the “mainstream,” get the fuck out of my way and get my name out of your mouth.
The uproar by the corporate media and their acolytes this week over a Tweet by the Libertarian Party of Kentucky Twitter account showed that not only does the “mainstream” hate libertarianism, but that many “libertarians” crave acceptance from the Cathedral. Here’s the Tweet:
And the LPKY even got it wrong. For the Tweet to work it should have referenced the non-vaccinated having to wear a yellow star, perhaps like this one:
Either way, the “mainstream” took the opportunity to attack libertarians, but many, including myself, fought back with a huge “fuck you, we won’t be intimidated.”
Unfortunately, not all those flying the libertarian banner took that attitude. I’m not going to waste time and call out anyone in particular, but you all know it’s the usual suspects from the Libertarian Party who have been discussed endlessly on various podcasts and in writing. After everything the people of this country have been subjected to in the last year, these characters still believe the villains in control must be respected. Have they tried to have an “honest dialogue” with these parasites? Because the power brokers aren’t interested in honest discussions. If you still want to be seen as “respectable” in their eyes and grovel at their feet, they will only see it as the weakness it is and step on your neck to further destroy your liberties. Fuck the Cathedral and fuck all of those saying that we must treat them with respect. I spit in their faces!
When the members in attendance at the Libertarian Party Georgia Convention were debating whether a secession plank, introduced by a Libertarian Party Mises Caucus member, should be added to the Georgia charter, the last person to argue against it made the assertion that adding a clause advocating for separation from the union, either politically or individually, could lead to Libertarians being lumped in with the “insurrectionists” who “stormed” the Capitol. I rolled my eyes so hard I think they did a 360 in their sockets. Former CIA torturer-in-chief, John O. Brennan, already claimed libertarians were insurrectionists in a national media appearance. Embrace that image or go the fuck home!
Taking into consideration the “Vaccine Passports” I wrote about yesterday, and everything else we’ve been subjected to with lockdowns and mask-mandates, I don’t see any usefulness of libertarians who aren’t willing to be radical. To not care what the power brokers think, to openly show them the contempt they deserve, is just a given at this point. I don’t care to be viewed as respectable. People who’ve changed the world rarely have been portrayed as such. With the villains no longer hiding, even flaunting, their power grab and utter disdain for us, to not be radical in calling them out is cowardice.
I couldn't agree more Pete. Anyone who is trying appease the cathedral and beg for their acceptance is a barrier in the path forward for Liberty. These people need to called out and swiftly pushed aside.
IMHO these people are not Libertarians because they do not believe that libertarianism can work or solve these problems. That's why they are our enemy. They have the same qualms about the efficacy of libertarianism as do normies and their behavior helps strengthen and justify normie hostility.