I know many of you don’t even realize that there is a war happening right now. And there is a reason for that, which I will get to later. Some of you are exempt from this war, which I will address as well. And many of you are on the side of those waging the war, but may not realize it.
Within the context of American politics there is only one war that counts; the war for your culture. A State can exist around us and we continue to thrive, however, as soon as the State seeks to destroy our culture and our shared values, and seeks to change it to theirs, they've become the enemy. It’s the most difficult version of war to recognize because not one round needs to be fired. Nor does this war have to be accompanied by negativity. It can be, and is, waged with a smile. It convinces you to surrender in the name of ‘decency’. “You don’t want to be mean to people, do you?”
Alexander the Great was a success at conquering the lands he did because he was intent on spreading the Greek, Hellenistic culture. And he did. He was able to do this by understanding that the people in conquered lands would more easily accept him, not as an interloper, but as their ruler, if he made sure they had a culture in common. Hellenization was so influential that many Jews living under Greek rule were so willing to abandon their culture, they sought ‘reverse circumcision’. When you convince people to leave their culture behind for yours, you have won a war against those people.
When you watch the videos I share of freakshow teachers, please understand, they are soldiers for a force that seeks to destroy a certain culture in this country. You can call it Conservative, Right-Wing, Traditionalist, Christian, Western or whatever makes you happy. But whatever you call it, know the war being waged upon you is to get you to abandon the values you hold dear. If you identify as such, or are in the “whatever makes you happy” camp, their metaphorical guns are pointed at you.
But, to be able to recognize that this war is about what you believe and the values you hold most dear, you would first have to claim a culture. This, in my opinion, is why much of libertarianism is useless. A lot of libertarianism consists of, and these aren’t all negatives, young and single people, incels, people with no kids (looking in the mirror), homosexuals and people who think that right wing culture is evil. Many openly align with Leftist culture. The people still clinging to the libertarian label who value a ‘right-wing’ culture cringe at these libertarians and know the war is being waged on the right culture.
The enemy would never need to wage war upon libertarians who despise right-wingers because these libertarians seek no power, and have no culture. They have their ‘theory’ and that’s good enough for them. The only thing worth fighting for is your culture, so if everything is theoretical, you have no culture to wage war against. Therefore, the war isn't being brought to them as they have already lost and are perfectly fine with that. Adopting a culture of family, morality and spirituality would put them at odds with those in charge. Many libertarians are happy to be correct in their diagnosis of society’s ills but not lift a finger to change anything because that would take action. If they actually wanted to make a difference, they’d be concentrating on action rather than libertarian theory. Ignoring the current power structure is not action, it’s suicide.
I believe many people who value a traditionalist culture have had their eyes opened to the fact a war against what is the very essence of who they are is in full-swing. I keep bringing up libertarians because I became involved in politics because of libertarianism. I assume that’s how many of you arrived here as well. We have to be realistic about what culture means. If it’s something you hold dear and you feel those rounds being fired at you by our enemies know that there are people out here who are on your side. Many, or even most, may not identify as libertarian and that’s OK. If you share the same fundamental values that means more in the grand scheme of things than economics and war policy. Those opinions can be changed but fundamental values are foundational. And please understand, what you read in a book or text can supplement your fundamental beliefs, but foundational beliefs are more important than the opinion of academics and podcasters.
I’ll leave you with what I hope can be a simple way of viewing this war. If we were to wage war on another group and win without changing their beliefs at a foundational level, they would always hate us. But if we were to wage a war as Alexander the Great did, cultivating a common culture - well, it’s easier to rule over a compliant people than one who views you as the enemy. Hence the war for our souls.
People who have strong fundamental values & morals in the culture can disagree with some things with their neighbors. but they cannot live in harmony with people that want you your family your country traditions & culture subjugated & Destroyed.
This is excellent. Thank you!