'This is the Most Important Election...' Yada Yada - 2020 Year in Review Pt. 6
"I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how"
I will get into the election, but first I believe it’s important to tie everything in this series so far together as it sets the stage for what occurred during the election. I hold the opinion that the riots in the wake of the George Floyd incident would not have been as severe if the government hadn’t put the majority of the population on house arrest for the previous 2.5 months. Combine the riots, skyrocketing unemployment, induced fear of a virus, and another 5 months of lockdowns with the fact 2020 was a national election year, one that was destined to be contentious, it was like pouring gasoline onto a fire that had been ignited by gunpowder.
When looking back at the election, the best place to start is with the Corporate Press (CP). I find it impossible to believe there is anyone left in this society who doesn’t recognize that the CP was largely in the bag for the democrats. Hell, even FOX News, the supposed bastion of the Right, called the race for Biden long before you would’ve expected them to. And if you wanted to look into the background of the candidates? Forget it - move along, nothing to see here. According to the CP, Hunter Biden’s laptop either didn’t exist, or was a Russian plant. Seriously, I think people have forgotten that “Russia,” was invoked yet again. When it came to light that the FBI had been investigating Hunter Biden as early as 2018 for his dealings in China, it was barely a blip on the CP’s radar.
As we saw, the “mail-in votes” swung the election. Sure, many have criticized Trump for telling his supporters to avoid mail-in voting, but is there anyone out there who wants to make the argument that each of the reported 26,600,000 votes made by mail had the required signature verifications made in only 48 hours? Does that seem realistic? So, when you have a good percentage of the 75,000,000 people who voted for Trump claiming the election was stolen from them, can you honestly blame them? If you were playing football and you looked up at the scoreboard and suddenly there were 42 points unaccounted for on the board, you would probably cry foul. That so many people can’t accept this as even a possibility, or see the point of view of those who believe they’ve been wronged, is incredible.
The veil has been ripped off “The Cathedral” by those residing in it, yet many still don’t notice. We are truly living in the aforementioned “Dim Age,” where “facts and logic” are no longer viable weapons. Now it is only the narrative that matters. And those who control the narrative, control the people.
The next part of this series will go back over the year and highlight specific trends that I believe are detrimental to individual liberty. The list is long, but we must see the past to know what lies in the future.