They're Not Racist, They Just Hate You!
“You can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree.”
If you were paying attention to the messaging coming from the political Left (PL) during the “Trump-era,” you are well aware that one of their main tropes was to paint anyone who even remotely supported the president as a racist. Have you wondered why? I believe there are two reasons; one more understandable than the other, but still just as daft. The first reason is that the PL has created a culture - mostly within the circles of their influence - where being a racist is considered worse than being a child molester (compare the intense rage directed at Kyle Rittenhouse to the insipid outrage shown to Jeffrey Epstein and his years of abuse). Therefore, if they can paint you as a racist, you become sub-human in their eyes and they are no longer required to treat you with any respect or decency. The second reason - the one that may seem more “understandable” - is that in the PL’s eyes Donald Trump is a racist as evidenced by his public comments, therefore, anyone who supports him must endorse those views and is therefore a racist by default. Personally, I know what real racism sounds like and I haven’t heard anything from the mouth of Trump that leads me to believe he is anything more than an obnoxious New Yorker who says the first thing that comes to his mind. Believe me, I understand this because I’m one of those New Yorkers.
It is my belief that most of the PL understands why over 70,000,000 people voted for Trump, and they know it’s not because those voters agreed with most of his policies. The PL knows that tens of millions of people voted for Trump because they know he hated the PL as much as they did. Even though I didn’t vote for Trump I’m sympathetic because I too hate the PL. And I’m not being hyperbolic. I hate the PL with a burning passion and want to see them destroyed not just as a group, but individually as well. The number of people they’ve ruined by getting people fired from jobs for the “crime” of making a joke or comment that the PL deem to be beyond the pale is significant. Even one would be too many. They deserve to pay.
The fact that California, a PL haven, has threatened to secede from the “union,” should let you know how they feel about the majority of the country. I often wonder how serious they are about that threat as one of the key themes in American politics, especially to the PL, is being anti-secessionist. I’ve always assumed because of their megalomaniacal and controlling attitudes that if they didn’t have an enemy - the political Right (PR) - which they attempt to control and constantly demonize, they’d probably start eating their own. Wait a minute, that actually sounds like a reasonable plan. I’ve always been for California secession but now I’m seeing it in a whole different potentially Soylent Green-type hellscape. And I’m OK with that.
No, I didn’t take time to go after the PR but anyone who has read my writings knows I have only slightly less disdain for them. But this time it isn’t about the Right, it’s about that group of people who seek to demonize anyone who doesn’t adopt their dogma down to the letter. It’s about an ideology that views wrong-think as worse than violence. It’s about a group that uses violence for their own ends and decries anyone who would defend themselves from it. It’s about a people so vile that 70,000,000 people voted for a reality show buffoon because he sees the PL the same way they do. It’s about sharing a land, and sometimes even a surname, with people who would gladly see you dead. It’s about revenge for not electing the proper candidate in 2016 since the PR believes elections are the only way remaining to fight the PL. And even that has been taken away from them forever.
The laws of power indicate that the PL must consolidate across the power dimensions and they are using the information domain to do it. It isn't just media. Knowledge production has been under tight management for the last few decades. Example, just go ahead and discuss medical or scientific concepts, let alone critical assessments of claims, without some sort of certification from an approved PL institution. Lawsuits or ad hominem is a likely result. The worshiping of education credentials has created a separate caste system inside the PL and the rest of society. But, economic power laws (value proportionate to scarcity) put down pressure on the value of these degrees and certifications. No surprise large amounts of people graduating today with false promises of prosperity; none to be found except in a climb of corporate hierarchy. Only a mountain of debt to show for their efforts---->easily controllable. At least they are in the "educated" caste, even if at the bottom to help their sense of self. They certainly become useful idiots for another helpful power trick, which is status in the tribe/church, so if you believe hard enough and behave in the right way, perhaps you will get to inherit the cultural power that has been consolidated by the high priests of scientism and wokism. Convince them they are the righteous. They will even let you help persecute the heretics and apostates!
The centralization of information and economic power to the PL produces a lot of risk for those inclined to think a lot of what they are doing is bullshit. (count me one of them) Their moves to consolidate power in diplomatic areas by rallying countries to global causes is helped along by their domination of information power spaces. Fear is a motivating weapon used on the masses to buy off support. Military control in this country goes to the political control as a prize, but much of this firepower is not feasible to use against political enemies for a lot of reasons. (Mainly it creates more enemies than it eliminates if you don't have the critical mass to round up the dissenters into camps or break their will into capitulation). This power is distributed throughout America in the form of small arms that make things much more of a balancing act for the powerful. The haves are a much smaller group than the have-nots and all this ill-will towards wrongthinkers can have the backfire effect of causing a messy french-style revolution with unknown outcomes. Convince everyone of your religion is righteous and just however, and now you have believers who lose status when not practicing tenets correctly. Much more stable to consolidate power with behind the scenes.
No surprises in the push for "woke" military culture and "woke" academia culture driven home by the "woke" corporate culture to include media. Decentralization is the key in my opinion, but there is going to be a helluva lot more pain before we bring that to fruition. "Time makes more converts than rational" - Thomas Paine, Common Sense-. If I am allowed to borrow the concept to comment, I wager it takes living in a dystopia for a bit to understand its presence and even longer til you muster the will to change it. Everyone's journey is different, and if you are benefiting from the apparatus without much connection to those that aren't, I would guess are/will be used as Soldiers in the blue-pilled zombie army coming to destroy us.
Godspeed Comrades!
Also, racism is the new red scare.