… a battle was underway for the minds of men. That if the people with the power to pull a string here, and pull a string there, could just figure out a way to own our minds, they would have complete control.
For the overwhelming majority, that day is here. And in reality, has been for a long time.
They learned from the fear after 9/11 and pounced when they saw no pushback to CV19.
It's a straight line from 9/11 to covid tyranny. "We'll keep you safe from those invisible fuckers. All we need, is for you to do your part. Rat out your neighbors. Give up your rights. Safety is much more important than freedom. After all, freedom has consequences. Do you want Mohammed to kill your grandma?".
Is it too far of a stretch to imagine that with social media they can make real time adjustments to their tyrannical actions?
For example, when people began getting sick of lockdowns, George Floyd happened
What better insight into the human mind than social media and google searches