A common trope you hear from people who use terms like “The Liberty Movement” is:
This shit makes no sense. I hope you’ve realized by now that this is suicidal. There are people out there that would love to see you dead, face down in a ditch, because you won’t take their, at best, inefficient jab. These people are your ENEMIES and do not deserve your respect. Nor do you have an obligation to protect their rights.
They care fuck-all about your rights and look upon you as a “Human Wuhan Lab”, and you want to make sure their rights are secured? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?
As I’ve shown you this CV19 shit is child’s play. The real pandemic will be “Climate Change”. I’m sorry, do you think Klaus Schwab and the rest of the “Live in the pod and eat the bugs” crowd deserve the same rights that you believe you possess? If you do, wake the fuck up now!
Before CV19 I was asleep, as many others were. I was happy to talk about how many agorists can dance on the head of a pin in Ancapistan. Those days are gone. Yes, we still preach sound economics and the liberty our allies desire because we will have to rebuild after the destruction that is being rained down around us is done. But, if you believe for one second that those doing this to us deserve the same respect and mercy that those of us just trying to live our lives in peace deserve, I consider you to be controlled opposition. Whether purposely or out of ignorance. And this is not hyperbole. I’m done with those who choose to sleep through a war. You’re either actively fighting this, and that fight starts in your mind, or you’re fodder or worse.
I can’t believe this has to be said.
WW3 is a culture war and if you don't know who or what the enemy is or what is an attack on your rights because you need someone literally pointing a knife or gun directly at your fucking face to believe you have been coerced rather than the reality where they are starving you, stealing the fruit of your labor or your opportunity to have labor little-by-little with sentiments that you are this walking literal time bomb to them if you don't do what they tell you (which could kill you or worse). Sigh... Well, I don't know how people can live in this bubble of belief that we should be focused in a war at each other over nit-picking principles (that might include you and me, too) when the clear and present danger that requires immediate focus is being louder than a multitrillion dollar marketing campaign against life on earth and those few who unwittingly or wittingly perpetuate it. They are our enemies regardless of whatever rights someone believes we are stealing from them whilst we defend ourselves from them. Yes, sometimes defending yourself hurts the exact people you are fending off. That's kind of how the NAP is supposed to work. I don't feel bad when it works- just because the horrible, awful, inefficient, mass murdering govt happened to somehow be involved in the matter. I ain't going to complain when the blind squirrel actually got a nut.
If anyone still feels a need for some theory to justify it, I think it's fair to call it self defense. You've said many times: "they want us dead, but they'll settle for our compliance", and this has been true for some time. However, now they seem to be increasingly unsatisfied with simple compliance, which leaves them one alternative...
Have you seen this article? What do you think? https://www.revolver.news/2021/11/are-you-ready-to-be-an-american-kulak/